miércoles, 12 de junio de 2013

WTF Is Waze And Why Did Google Just Pay A Billion+ For It?

The tech industry has seen its fair share of acquisition whoppers lately, with Salesforce acquiring ExactTarget for $2.5 billion this month, and Yahoo putting the icing on its acquisition spree by snatching up Tumblr for $1.1 billion. But the news today that Google is buying popular iOS map and navigation app, Waze, (reportedly for around $1.1 to $1.3 billion) is a little different.

While the prices are similar and Tumblr may well have seen interest before Yahoo swooped in, rumors have been swirling around Waze for months. First it was Apple with a reported ~$500 million bid, then it was Facebook that was said to be kicking Waze's tires at $1 billion, before Google swooped in, upped the ante and closed the deal.

In fact, Israeli publication, The Globes, reported that Facebook execs were committed enough that they flew to Israel and were in the middle of serious (albeit stalling) negotiations when Google showed up.

What's This Waze Everyone's Blabbin' About?

Founded in 2007, Waze is an Israeli and Palo Alto-based developer of free mapping and turn-by-turn navigation apps for iOS and Android. Since its launch a year later, Waze has raised $67 million in outside funding from a number of prominent Silicon Valley firms (including Kleiner Perkins), as well as Horizons Ventures in Hong Kong, and has grown to 110 employees — with the majority of its staff in Israel and around 10 or so in Palo Alto, including CEO Noam Bardin.

Amidst a flood of third-party mobile mapping apps that have emerged since, Waze is today pushing 50 million users (up from 30 million in October) and has managed to find a steady growth curve thanks to its crowdsourcing formula. Rather than assiduously map out every single road, lane and byway, Waze relies on its millions of users to act as traffic cops, field ops and cartographers, allowing them to flag and record updates on accidents, bottlenecks and traffic in realtime. It pulls in information from your phone on your speed, location and so on to calculate the best routes and build out its own maps.

This crowdsourced data, driver-created mapping, community curation and citizen traffic reports adds an interactive element to the user experience which not only quickly becomes addicting, but tends to be more accurate thanks to is obsessive (and often geeky) reporters chronicling in realtime. This, along with enabling drivers to tap into social layers, view realtime fuel prices, nearby gas stations, points of interest and use hands-free navigation that adjusts to your route, has made it a popular alternative to native mapping apps. And the bigger it gets and the more data it sucks in, the more effective it becomes.

How It Attracted The Big Three

imageAs Jordan recently pointed out, the so-called "Map Wars" have become increasingly intense among the big mobile tech companies. A reliable, easy-to-use navigation and mapping product is a key part of our mobile experience. It probably won't be the reason you buy one phone over another, but we use our maps and navigation apps so frequently — rely on them, really — it's no wonder Facebook, Apple and Google are eager to offer the best experience.

For Apple in particular, when the company was rumored to be checking out Waze, it was still stinging from the embarrassing premature release of its own native mapping and navigation app, which was so bad it drew a fairly unprecedented public apology from Apple CEO Tim Cook. With Apple Maps hitting App Store half-baked, acquiring a popular, notoriously accurate navigation platform like Waze would have made a lot of sense.

Facebook, in turn, has been loudly stepping up its mobile game, including the recent launch of its much-ballyhooed half-operating system for Android (or "apperating system," if you prefer Geek Speak), among alongside a laundry list of other strategic mobile moves it's been making of late. After all, mobile is becoming an increasingly important part of Facebook's bottom line. For Facebook to have a reliable, popular mapping app as a "native" part of its Android experience might have been able to bring an added draw to the fairly lackluster adoption of Facebook Home.

Google's situation is a bit different, as it already has a world class map product. For all intents and purposes, Google Maps set the standard and Google might as well have invented consumer-facing digital navigation (All apologies to MapQuest, of course.) I mean, what other company can you name that has sent out a fleet of hilarious-looking, seeing-eye cars to map each and every street? We now take it for granted that we can pop over to Google Earth and instantaneously "fly anywhere" on the planet to "view satellite imagery, maps, terrain, 3D buildings, from galaxies in outer space to the canyons of the ocean." Which is ridiculous.

Why Google Won Out

In a blog post today, Waze CEO Noam Bardin gave a little insight into the mutual motivations for Waze (and for Google CEO Larry Page and Google GEO VP Brian McClendon, specifically.):

"We are excited about the prospect of working with the Google Maps team to enhance our search capabilities and to join them in their ongoing efforts to build the best map of the world," he said, before revealing that "nothing practical will change" after the acquisition, and that Waze "will maintain [its] community, brand, service and organization."

But that doesn't really say much, so while both companies aren't laying out all the gory details yet, below are a few of the reasons why Google was willing to shell out the big bucks and why it should be giving Apple, Facebook and everyone else map-shaped fits.


screen-shot-2013-06-09-at-11-30-29-amIsrael has a long, celebrated history when it comes to technology and R&D, and its startup economy, which is already one of the strongest in the region, continues to evolve and produce great companies. But with the exception of Cisco's $5 billion purchase of NDS, Waze represents one of the largest exits for an Israeli-born company in recent memory. Especially consumer.

But more importantly, Google, as with every tech company, is now well aware of Israel's talent pool. In the past, it's scooped up native startups like Labpixies and Quicksee, and it already has a presence in Israel, including its recently-launched program for local entrepreneurs. With most of Waze's staff based in Israel, Google wants to maintain the current set up, as it makes Israel's strong R&D and emergent talent pool that much more accessible.

Less About The 50M, More About The Data.

It's not unusual for companies to make acquisitions for their users, especially if that traction and user base is significant (and its users are on the younger side). Yahoo's acquisition of Tumblr is a perfect example. But, with Google already owning arguably the most popular navigation app in the U.S., it's not exactly dying for more users. Though certainly 50 million users doesn't hurt.

But likely there's a stronger pull in the overlap of what the companies see as their perceived value. Waze doesn't consider itself a "Mapping Company," but a "Big Data Company." And considering Google is out to organize the planet's information, Google is practically the definition of Big Data (and helped invent MapReduce), even if it hates that label, as MIT Tech's Antonio Regalado explains. What's more, Google loves to experiment with different ways to visualize Big Data in its maps, and its new, updated Maps product keeps improving.

Screen shot 2013-06-11 at 8.27.16 PMAnd, really, the mapping game is won on Big Data, isn't it?

Because of its giant data set, and maturing mapping infrastructure, Google itself has begun to leverage that data to offer custom, personalized maps for its users — something that's fundamental to the social, customizable experience Waze has sought to create. But, generally speaking, when it comes to realtime navigation, adjusting to the driver's route as it goes, Google still feels more pre-programmed. Yes, it has improved in the newest version of Google Maps, but while it has colored traffic layers to show users degrees of traffic, it doesn't seem on par with Waze's in-route, constantly-updated traffic info. And it often doesn't offer the same number of potential routes as Waze when a driver is, say, looking to avoid traffic.

These differences in user experience may seem small by themselves, but compounded, they could represent a big value-add to Google Maps down the road. Plus, Google's design has become uniform in an effort to maintain a single user experience across its various properties. Waze's design and user experience is more fun, liter and more interactive. Wazers can be religious about reporting traffic jams or speed traps, and Google knows that it can use that.

Social Driving

Waze gives Google the perfect opportunity to leverage Google+ and make Google Maps more social. The company has moving quickly to integrate its new social graph (Google+) across its products, but it's not there yet. Waze, too, has been stepping up its social game, adding social functionality in October that allows drivers to see which of their friends are on their way to a mutual destination, gave them the ability to share drives, pickups, meetup spots and more easily communicate status from the road.

Waze also added Facebook single sign-on, which one can easily see Google replacing with Google+ authentication to drive more users to Google+. And Google+ could use some friends, lets be honest. With its Facebook integration, Waze gave users the ability to collect friends around a shared destination point, distribute directions to that group and use short cuts — all cool features that Google can continue to expand via Google+ (as it already added social search function in its new version of Google Maps).

The Big Potential Of Local Advertising

While it's always working to be seen as some sort of next-gen digital utility provider, Google is first and foremost an advertising company. Really, many of its services' main function is to help their customers get their ads in front of their users. Google advertising can be a key asset to Waze going forward as it looks to expand its own revenue potential and advertising platform.

1-wf-2Up until recently, Waze had put monetization on the backburner, focusing on growth and product. But, late last year, Waze rolled out its own Ad product, which is essentially a "location-guided ad platform for local business owners and big brands that want to attract the attention of nearby drivers."

While Waze previously allowed users to quickly tap and swipe through its categories to locate nearby gas stations, for example, its new ad product aims to take that to the next level. Rather than simply plastering display ads all over your phone's already-limited surface area, Waze wanted to create a system where local businesses (and chains) can claim their spot on its maps, while sending out targeted messages and "native" ads to people who are already driving nearby and already happen to be looking for a local place to eat, for example.

Waze's advertising product gives brands like Dunkin' Donuts access to a self-serve advertising platform, where they can "set, change and measure their mobile advertising campaigns," along with features like "local search advertising and advanced targeting."

Who does that remind you of?

Many of the big tech companies have been looking to make a splash in local, whether it's Foursquare, Yelp or Facebook, and many more are trying to get there. These three companies in particular can tap into geo-location data via check-ins and local search, but none of them can hold a candle to Google's scale.

image (1)Yes, Google+'s local business pages may not quite have the same adoption as Facebook Pages, but the company is working hard to shore up the gap and make G+ a destination, digital real estate that's actually valuable to local businesses. Though it doesn't have the traffic yet, it's getting harder and harder to ignore Google+. The company has an enormous dataset on local businesses, listings, contact information, hours and so on and they've capitalized on that to cater to local advertisers looking to reach customers as they search for related keywords, etc.

Local, mobile advertising spend in the U.S. is expected to skyrocket over the next few years, making Google's vast index of local businesses and search extremely valuable to Waze, and to an extent, vice versa. Although adding this search and its accompanying massive dataset and processing on the backend may lead to a more cluttered user experience (and its hard to imagine Google will never touch Waze's UI), Google can also give Waze the kind of search functionality and integration that it's still missing.

Game Over?

The more one starts to drill down into the motivations for the acquisition, it gets easier and easier to justify the one-billion-dollar price tag. And, although it's rarely said of big-ticket acquisitions like this, it almost seems as if it's a steal. Rather than having an excellent map and navigation product fall into the hands of one of the other big players that (arguable desperately) needs it, Google has taken its already stellar Maps product and added a younger but potentially equally valuable one.

If the "Map Wars" are more than just hype drummed up by the media and if its outcome has any significant bearing on their mobile strategies, than this seems like a fairly big loss for Facebook and Apple. It almost seems as if it would've been worth it just to keep Waze out of Google's hands, but again, there's a big mobile landscape beyond Maps. Regardless, after the Waze-oogle deal, Apple, Facebook and everyone else are now swimming upstream against a stronger current.

Google provides search and advertising services, which together aim to organize and monetize the world's information. In addition to its dominant search engine, it offers a plethora of online tools and platforms including: Gmail, Maps, YouTube, and Google+, the company's extension into the social space. Most of its Web-based products are free, funded by Google's highly integrated online advertising platforms AdWords and AdSense. Google promotes the idea that advertising should be highly targeted and relevant to users thus providing...

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Waze is a social traffic & navigation app based on the world's largest community of drivers sharing real time road info and contributing to the "common good" out there on the road. By simply driving around with Waze open users passively contribute traffic and other road data. Users can take a more active role by sharing road reports on accidents, police traps, or any other hazards along the way, helping to give other users in the area a 'heads-up'...

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