sábado, 6 de julio de 2013

70+ epic content marketing best practice tips, stats, blog posts and more

We've already rounded up lots of our case studies, articles and reports on social media and ecommerce, now it's time to do the same for content marketing.

Here are 70 or so of our articles on content marketing best practice, interviews with the experts, lots of stats, and our reports on the topic. 


Best practice tips

As well as knowing all the statistics, case studies and opinion, execution is when the magic really starts to happen. 

The posts below cover some of the 'hows' of content marketing...

Content marketing strategy: an A-Z guide to success

Four ways to drive engagement with user-generated content

Five irresistible tips you can learn from 1940s content marketing

TL;DR: people don't really read on the web and what you should do about it

Three content marketing tips from LinkedIn on reaching its audience

The four Ps of content marketing

Five content marketing lessons from the Red Bull Stratos jump

Six tools content marketers should be using daily

Storytelling: why most content marketing plans fail

The five stages of content-marketing grief

Your company is awash with great content

Successful content marketing doesn't require a zoo

How to be sure content marketing produces sales

How small businesses can use Pinterest for a content marketing boost

Developing a multilingual content marketing strategy

Six principles for great content marketing

19 tools to improve your content marketing strategy

The five best free content marketing ebooks from 2012

Become a content marketing all star. Part one: Graphadelic

14 insightful adjectives that define great content marketing

Six tips for optimising content to hit LinkedIn Today

How to use content marketing and Twitter Cards to boost your app downloads

How to create non-news driven content for SEO and content marketing

Content marketing in healthcare. Understanding role and maintaining credibility

Content marketing best practice: three examples

Eight ways to adapt your content marketing strategy to mobile

Content marketing and SEO

There is a crossover between SEO and content marketing, as shown by the number of search agencies who have added content marketing to their offerings.

These posts discuss that relationship...

Why SEO still has a place in a content driven world

Could content marketing replace the SEO department?

The convergence of SEO, design and content

Penguin 2.0: How to become an online authority


Let's face it, blogging is just content marketing before someone came up with the name. Here are some tips on blogging that should feed into your content marketing efforts. 

13 content marketing tips from the experts: how to write a great blog

15 tips for getting the best out of your guest bloggers

15 tips to help you become a brilliant guest blogger

What I've learned from writing 2,000 blog posts

11 things I've learned from writing 1,000 blog posts

B2B content marketing

Some great advice on how B2B marketers can use content marketing... 

Five great examples of B2B content marketing

How to sell B2B content marketing to the dinosaurs who pay your salary

B2B content marketing: tips from Digital Cream

B2B content marketing: finding your sweet spot

17 tips for choosing a B2B content marketing agency

B2B Content marketing is about you AND your customers

How B2B content can make you popular

How Econsultancy does content marketing

Insight into the Econsultancy approach to content marketing, and how we measure and learn from our efforts. 

Which content marketing metrics are valuable for Econsultancy?

The future of content marketing? Consult the feeds

How Econsultancy uses Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google+

The 34 types of blog post that work wonders for Econsultancy


After all, who doesn't like stats? 

Content marketing and SEO: how will they evolve in the future?

Fact. Creating more content gets results

Content marketing: what is really holding you back?

Just 14% of businesses say their CMS gives a complete view of engagement across channels

Which content marketing metrics are you using?

Just 38% of companies have a content marketing strategy: report


Even when so much within digital is measurable, there is always a difference in opinion between what is the 'right' way to do things, versus the 'wrong'. 

It's this discussion and debate that fuels so much of the innovation within the industry.

The following posts cover some of the most significant opinion pieces on content marketing. 

Content marketers: let's bring back those nasty barriers

The power of negativity in content marketing

Content marketing for human action

What you're doing isn't content marketing (or, at least, it's not good)

Three reasons why Twitter's Vine is the future of content marketing

Content marketing in 2013: what the experts think

What you have to prepare for content of integrity in the age of the customer

Why your brand should get creative now with visual content marketing

The rise of the psi-shaped content marketer

Creating content of integrity in the age of the customer

Why the Bible is the only content marketing guide you'll ever need


Some of the best interviews on content marketing we've published over the past year or so...

How The Met Office used analytics to improve its content marketing strategy

Q&A: Lean Analytics co-authors on data-driven marketing

Velocity's Stan Woods on B2B content marketing [video]

Q&A: David Sasson of Outbrain on content marketing and content discovery

Q&A: James Gurd on B2B content marketing


While we now have started to use fewer infographics on the blog, sometimes they can be an exciting and stimulating way of presenting thoughts, idea and concepts. 

Here's a selection of the best content marketing infographics we've seen...

The state of content marketing in the UK [infographic]

The growth of content marketing: infographic

What's your content marketing plan of attack? [infographic]

Pinterest for retailers and content marketers: infographic

30 tips for promoting your blog content [infographic]


And of course, as well as the posts above, make sure you check out Econsultancy's reports on the topic to give yourself the edge in your work.

Content Marketing Survey Report

Content Marketing Statistics

B2B Content Marketing Best Practice Guide

Content Marketing in South-East Asia Best Practice Guide

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