domingo, 7 de julio de 2013

Bold Men Don Their Girlfriends' Clothes for Portraits

Photographer Jon Uriarte was having a conversation with friends about the generational changes in relationships between men and women when he had an idea.

He wanted to take pictures that not only showcased these differences, but also expressed the confusion that the men were now experiencing.

"It all started with conversations with my male heterosexual friends talking about how the relationships between men and women had changed, and how the models of our parents are not working anymore," says Uriarte.

"We are happy that finally women had given a step forward, but at the same time, we have a sense of lostness that I thought was worth it [to] show."

Originally the series, The Men Under The Influence, was going to be of couples photographed together. However, Uriarte realized the more compelling approach was dressing the male in his partner's clothing and photographing him alone in their living space.

It was slightly uncomfortable for the participants, but they were good sports and went forward with it.

"Yes, there was [resentment], that's why once I took the photos, edited and had chosen the ones, I show[ed] the whole set to them and ask[ed] if they were OK with it," Uriarte said.

The series includes photos taken over a three year span in the U.S. and Spain.

What do you think of the portraits? Let us know in the comments section below.

Images courtesy of Jon Uriarte

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