martes, 2 de julio de 2013

Google Reader Final Countdown: What to Do Before the Shutdown

Google Reader officially shuts down after July 1. The much-loved service might be going to that great Google graveyard in the sky, but that doesn't mean news lovers are out of options.

If you've been putting off moving away from Google Reader — or if you are just now hearing about the shutdown for the first time — we've got some tips for everything you need to do before July 2.

Back Up Your Subscriptions

The single most important thing you can do before July 1 ends is to back up your existing Google Reader subscriptions.

To do that, make sure you're logged into your Google Reader account and then click this link: This will download an XML file with all of your subscriptions.

Download Reader

If you're just getting to this after July 1, Google will have its data available in Google Takeout. Inside the bundle of files backed up from Google Reader will be a google-reader-subscriptions.xml file. This file can be used to import your subscriptions to other feed reading services.

Choose an Alternative

Once your data is backed up, the next step is to pick a feed reading alternative. There are literally dozens of alternatives but we've amassed what we think are the most promising in this gallery.

The two biggest contenders for the Google Reader throne are Feedly and Digg Reader.

Feedly now boasts more than 12 million users and has its own independent backend from Google Reader. One of our most-requested features — the ability to export your Feedly data to an OPML file (the special format for RSS feeds) — was recently added.

Even better, Feedly has made good on its promise to offer support for third-party apps, including Reeder, Press, Mr. Reader and more.

As for Digg Reader, Digg has big plans for the project, including API support for third-party apps and search functionality. Digg Reader also fits in with Digg's larger plans for reshaping online news discovery.

Of course, Digg Reader and Feedly aren't the only alternatives. One of the most interesting aspects of Google Reader's demise is the impact it has had on the news reading market in general. A space once ceded almost entirely to Google Reader is now full of competition.

Update Your Reading Apps

When Google Reader shuts down, it isn't just the web interface that goes away. Any RSS app that relied on Google Reader for its subscription and syncing ability will also suffer. Desktop apps such as Reeder for Mac, NetNewsWire and Feed Demon all rely or relied on Google Reader for syncing and as a feed source. This is also true for mobile apps, such as Reeder for iOS, Press, Mr. Reader and others.

While many of those apps have since been updated to remove Google Reader support (and thus manage feeds only within that app) or to include support for other feed services such as Feedbin, Feed Wrangler and Feedly, not every app has. Check with the maker of your favorite app to see their status with Google Reader integration.

Some apps, including Feed Demon, will no longer be updated. The final version of Feed Demon is now available for free and it removes Google Reader support. Users can continue to use it as a desktop news reading app, but it won't sync read status or subscriptions with any other applications.

The Mac and iPad versions of Reeder are also no longer being sold in the App Store but future versions of the app that support other feed reading services will be available in the future. Reeder for iPhone, however, supports Feedly, Feedbin, Fever and Feed Wrangler.

The Mac app NetNewsWire, which is now owned by Black Pixel, has a new version currently in beta. The beta is free for now but it does not support any third-party syncing services.

ReadKit for Mac and Mr. Reader for iPad are both doing a great job supporting multiple sync services. ReadKit supports NewsBlur, Feed Wrangler, Feedbin and Fever. Mr. Reader supports Feedbin, Feedly, Fever, Feed Wrangler, BazQux Reader, FeedHQ and even has a custom endpoint for users who want to do their own thing.

Press for Android supports Feedly, Feed Wrangler, Feedbin and will soon have Fever support.

Nextgen Reader for Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 supports Feedly and NewsBlur.

How Are You Coping?

Let us know your strategies for moving on from Google Reader in the comments.

Thumbnail composite via Flickr, Richard Cocks and Google.

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