miércoles, 3 de julio de 2013

Homemade Star Wars Movie Will Rock Your Jedi Socks

Calling all Star Wars fans! Scratch that — we're calling all fans of everything that is all-around awesome. Here, we present a perfect shot-for-shot recreation of the famous "Death Star Trench Run" scene starring Chris Hardwick and Jonah Ray from Nerdist. You may shake your lightsabers in approval now.

Homemade Movies is a YouTube series by CineFix that recreates movie scenes without the help of fancy visual effects, but instead with the help of cardboard, trash cans and creativity.

To truly appreciate the mastery in head movements, stickers, pyrotechnics and facial hair, it's essential to watch the side-by-side video of the recreation alongside the original scene below:

In the words of Homemade Movies, "May the DIY force be with you!"

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