sábado, 6 de julio de 2013

Remember the 'Game of Thrones' Characters You Used to Know

WARNING: Video includes Game of Thrones season one spoilers.

Game of Thrones, you so crazy. Not only are you hopelessly addicting, but as soon as a character finds his or her way into our hearts, you go killing them off. It's an emotional roller coaster ride only George R.R. Martin could take us on.

In this video, parody duo Not Literally puts the tribulations of Game of Thrones fans to the tune of Gotye's ultra-viral hit "Somebody That I Used to Know."

Check out the video and reminisce about the Westeros citizens who kicked the bucket. Oh, and this video only covers season one. But it can't possibly get any worse, right? Right?

Image courtesy of YouTube, Not Literally

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