domingo, 8 de septiembre de 2013

Branded3?s #hiring: Careers in design, SEO and content available

Demonstrating Branded3?s continued strong growth, many of our departments are currently on the lookout for new team members – so check out the vacancies below if you're in need of a new start and a prosperous career in an exciting environment.

  • PHP Developer: We're looking for a skilled PHP 5+ Developer to join our talented Digital team.
  • Digital Designer: If you've got creative flair and experience in digital design, you could be just what our Creative team is looking for.
  • Front-end UI Web Developer: Experience in responsive web design, HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery are essential for this role.
  • Outreach Executive: Marketing or computing backgrounds are preferred for this role, along with a knack for creative and unique ideas.
  • Insights Analyst: If you're a software and numbers enthusiast, this could be the position for you.
  • Content Writer: Send us some of your creative writing work if you'd like to join our growing Content team.

Full job specifications are available at request, so drop us a line and we'll send them on over.

So, what's it like to work at Branded3?

Working at Branded3

If our enviable employee retention rate is anything to go by, we'd say our team members are pretty happy here! But don't just take my word for it, check out what some of the B3 team members think, I asked them what their favourite thing was about working at Branded3…

Apart from the great group of people that I work with at Branded3, my favourite thing about working here is the speed at which the company is growing, which makes room for everyone to progress quickly if you work hard enough.

Tom Armenante, Search Strategist

I love the freedom we have to pursue projects we feel are worthy of our time and have the opportunities to test initiatives that not only have the potential to further the evolution of the company, but allow for personal growth and progression in our own careers.

Georgia Halston, Social Media Strategist

There's a workspace for every type of worker at Branded3. If you need to be a hermit crab for the day to get things done, you can; if you need to bounce ideas off of a bunch of creatives at any point, you can; if you want to stick some Pearl Jam on the stereo to boost your (and everybody else's) productivity, you can.

Scott Mason, Head of Content

I get to work with a team that has the best banter and most fun EVER. (Also, on Friday we bring sweets to share).

Emma Barnes, Insights

The atmosphere we work in along with the non-corporate take on our office life, it really does benefit productivity.

Jordan Appleson, Developer

So, there you have it! Working at Branded3 offers an opportunity to broaden your career horizons and gain experience in a rapidly growing industry. All of this, combined with the fact that you'll meet some great people along the way, makes Branded3 a truly enriching place to work.

Get in touch now if you like the look of one of the vacancies above, and you could be our next B3 team member!

BY Felicity Crouch AT 2:02pm ON Thursday, 1 August 2013

Felicity is Branded3's Marketing Manager and develops and executes a creative marketing strategy for the agency to encourage new business. With a background in journalism and digital project management, Felicity manages a large number of marketing channels effectively to raise Branded3's profile and facilitate the growth of the company.. Follow Felicity on Twitter.

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