domingo, 6 de octubre de 2013

Toy Hall of Fame Announces 2013 Finalists

From Hot Wheels to Mr. Potato Head, every good toy deserves its proper recognition, and the folks at the Toy Hall of Fame take this task very seriously. That's why the organization convenes every year to put together a list of possible new inductees deemed worthy of the honor.

This year, the contenders vying for a special place in toy history range from the always-styling My Little Pony to the classic tools of living-room-battle known as Nerf toys. The Toy Hall of Fame also recognizes some of the more generic toys, with past inductees including playing cards and the traditional dollhouse. After all, as the organization's site explains, dollhouses "help children learn about interior design and household management."

The nominated toys are eligible to earn a spot in the Hall of Fame based on four criteria: icon status, longevity, discovery and innovation. This category checklist is designed to ensure that the toy not only enjoyed massive popularity amongst youngsters in its heyday, but that it also encouraged qualities like "creativity" and "discovery." Therefore, that little yapping robot dog that did nothing but walk and do flips in the air may not, for obvious reasons, be a strong contender.

Nevertheless, voters have the option of nominating any beloved childhood object. The process works by allowing the public to determine which toys are included in the initial pool of toys by voting online, by mail or at the National Museum of Play website.

Afterwards, curators, historians and educators decide which toys will make the top 12 list. Toys with the largest amount of panel votes get their rightful place in the Hall of Fame. The panel will announce the final results of this year's vote tally on November 7.

Last year, Dominoes and Star Wars action figures were among the toys that took top honors. Other nominees this year include Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the Magic 8 Ball, the board game Clue and the classic Rubber Duck.

Which toy would you vote for? Tell us in the comments below.

Image: Flickr, John Lambert Pearson

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