For a lot of businesses, the social space still has limited budgets and little experimentation, but some are starting to make headway.
To highlight this movement, each week we'll be showcasing of two companies who are part of The Dachis Group's Social Business Index, a real-time ranking of more than 30,000 global brands based on their performance in the social space.
Today we'll be looking at two brands a video game provider and a retailer as analyzed by the Dachis Group team. We'll also take a glimpse at the top twenty brands on the Social Business Index to see how the biggest brands in social are faring.
Liz Courtney, Social Media Strategist, Dachis Group:
With everyone already worked up about the zombie apocalypse, it's no wonder that fans of the video game franchise Resident Evil are l
osing their braaaaaains in anticipation of the new Resident Evil 6, due out this October. Capcom is heavily promoting the forthcoming installment in the series with teasers on social media.
But what really stirred up the attention of fans this week was the arrival of the Resident Evil: Chronicles HD Collection. Capcom launched a Facebook app with video trailers and an interactive "Star in the Trailer" game to promote the release, and streamed the gameplay on
With several popular video game social pages including Devil May Cry and Streetfighter, Capcom easily scores thousands of social media "points" (likes, shares, tweets, comments) by regularly teasing fans with preview images and YouTube content from forthcoming games as well as polls and pics from favorite video games.
All the excitement around Resident Evil helped push Capcom Co., Ltd. up into the SBI top 100 this week.
Best Buy
Kate Sheehy, Consultant, Dachis Group:
This past week marked a major week for Best Buy in social. They hit 6 million Likes on their Facebook page and rewarded all their loyal fans with "6 days of Celebration." On each of the six days, fans could enter a sweepstakes to win $250 Best Buy giftcards and HP Printers.
This simple addition to Best Buy's every day content gave the company a large boost in fan engagement - and not just with the Celebration content. Likes, shares, and comments were up on all content during the week - all resulting in a +11 jump in the SBI.
Editors note: The Social Business Index, a free ranking compiled by The Dachis Group, is based on the analysis the conversations on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and other social platforms. The index is based on the execution and effectiveness of businesses at driving outcomes such as brand awareness, content sharing, and advocacy.
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