martes, 14 de enero de 2014

8 New Cities Submerged as Oceans Rise in Climate Change GIFs

How will the rising seas caused by climate change swallow up your city?

Nickolay Lamm, a 24-year-old researcher and artist has worked on answering this question for months now. In April, he created illustrations of how the increased sea level will impact cities in the U.S. like Miami, New York and Washington, D.C. Mashable turned them into GIFs that showed how much our world could potentially change if the earth's ice caps melt.

Now, Lamm has created eight new sets of illustrations, depicting how San Diego, San Francisco, and Charleston will look under five, 12, and 25 feet of seawater.

Just like the first batch, Lamm, whose project has been sponsored by, used data from Climate Central, which helped The New York Times create its series on sea level titled "What Could Disappear?"

The goal is to raise awareness of the risks we face, help people look at their cities with a different perspective, and create a glimpse into an apocalyptic future that could turn into reality.

"Sea level rise seems so far off in the future that people either don't care about it or don't believe that it will happen," Lamm told Mashable. "By illustrating what sea level rise will look like in real life, I'm hoping to make our rising oceans a bigger issue on peoples' minds."

Check out the GIFs below.

1. AT&T Park, San Francisco, Calif.


2. The Citadel, Charleston, S.C.


3. The San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, Calif.


4. A view of Coronado Island, San Diego, Calif.


5. A view of Crissy Field, San Francisco, Calif.


6. Another view of Crissy Field, San Francisco, Calif.


7. A view of Venice Beach, Calif.


8. A view of the boardwalk in Venice Beach, Calif.

Venice-Beach-closeAll images courtesy of Nickolay Lamm,

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