martes, 7 de enero de 2014

Dropbox for iOS Gets a New Coat of Paint

Dropbox updated its iOS app on Friday with a whole new look and feel.

The cloud-based file service -- which now boasts more than 100 million users -- has given its apps for iPhone and iPad a fresh coat of paint.
While the app hasn't gained many new features, uploading content into specific folders is now more streamlined.

Moreover, as Dropbox shared on its blog, users can now browse the photos they've automatically uploaded to Dropbox from a designated photos tab. This tab organizes photos in a date-based view.

Tapping on a photo shows it off in its full resolution glory.

As someone who quite literally could not do her job without Dropbox, I love the new app design. I do wish there was a way to designate a default upload folder within the app, however, the new design is clean and the photos feature makes finding various memories much easier.

What do you think of Dropbox 2.0 for iOS? Let us know in the comments.

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