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Kit Kat uses AR app Blippar for Euro 2012 promotion

Posted 09 May 2012 12:22pm by David Moth with 0 comments

Nestle has unveiled a new augmented reality (AR) promotion on its Kit Kat wrappers that allows customers to play virtual football using their smartphone.

By scanning the packaging with free AR app Blippar users can access the Euro 2012 table football game where they have to build a high score by saving as many shots as possible.

All scores will be posted to the game's league table and one person will be chosen at random to win €2,012.

The digital content will also be embedded on multipacks, point-of-sale displays and poster ads.

It's the fourth time that Nestle has worked with Blippar and suggests that the technology is catching on with consumers.

Previous campaigns include Kit Kat's 'Choose a Chunky Champion', Shreddies' 'Nana's Pearls of Wisdom', and Rowntree's 'Red Ones'.

The use of augmented reality is becoming more common in marketing campaigns, but as yet we have seen few stats around consumer engagement.

In many ways the technology is similar to QR codes in that marketers are rushing to use it but consumers appear to be slower on the uptake.

One of the main barriers is the fact that there is no universal app that is compatible with all AR campaigns. Billabong decided to use Zappar for its AR ads, while Net-A-Porter signed up with Aurasma and in the US Pillsbury ran a campaign using Shazam.

However there are signs that Blippar is slowly starting to edge ahead of the competition.

Major UK brands such as Waitrose, Tesco, The Guardian and Southampton FC have all experimented with the app in recent months, and Nestle is clearly confident that Blippar is the best of the AR apps.

Assistant brand manager for Kit Kat, Robert Marsh said that it was keen to use Blippar again after previous campaigns proved to be popular with consumers.

It's great to be able to give our consumers a way to have fun with our products and, of course, win some money too.

By signing up Nestle for multiple campaigns Blippar is inevitably creating a long term partnership, as Nestle's engagement figures will suffer if it suddenly switches to a different AR app that its customers aren't familiar with.

So if Blippar can continue to sign up major brands then it may be able to trump the competition - and it may also spell the end for QR codes...

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