sábado, 1 de febrero de 2014

Six haunting reminders of London’s marketing past (and the all new Festival of Marketing)


You may have noticed that next week is the Festival of Marketing, London's answer to SXSW and Cannes Lions, and indeed the very definition of marketing as it is now.

So, to give you a promo post to keep you interested, I thought I'd bring you some marketing creative from London's past, when OOH and print were pretty much the only way to market.

We hope to see you next week at a festival that the Mayor of London himself has described as 'the perfect opportunity for our world leading creative and digital sectors to come together'.

Before I give you the creative, check out our promo video for the festival, and a brief summary of what's on.

Marketing today

There will be events for:

On top of that, the Fringe will include many snappily titled events and some thinly veiled excuses for a party, including: 

All this will be topped off by Marketing Frenzy, a closing night at Fabric featuring Beardyman.

London's marketing past

The Michelin House

In West London, it opened in 1911. It's the perfect example of a headquarters that carries the brand to all passersby.

Regent Street

Many people don't know these shops sold mourning ware in Victorian times. Topshop itself started out providing mourning ware for children. Here's an advert from Illustrated London News for one of Regent Street's stores.

All-important fountain pens


This one's a trick. Chi & Partners have done a clever take on old wall advertisements, with this campaign for Anchor butter.

The famous OXO tower

According to Wikipedia

The Liebig Extract of Meat Company wanted to include a tower featuring illuminated signs advertising the name of their product. When permission for the advertisements was refused, the tower was built with four sets of three vertically-aligned windows, each of which "coincidentally" happened to be in the shapes of a circle, a cross and a circle.

Piccadilly Circus

Still an attraction for tourists who bizarrely flock to its neon advertising. Here it is in 1930.

And here's my favourite from South London...


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