domingo, 16 de febrero de 2014

Sports World Sends Sympathy to Adrian Peterson After Son's Death

NFL star Adrian Peterson's 2-year-old son died Friday after allegedly being beaten by the boyfriend of the woman with whom Peterson fathered the child.

Peterson's son, who has not been identified by name, was allegedly beaten by the man Wednesday in South Dakota, where they lived. Early reports speculated that the boy was Adrian Peterson, Jr., with whom the Minnesota Vikings running back is often photographed, but it was later learned that the deceased child was another of Peterson's sons.

Friday afternoon's news led to an outpouring of sympathy online for Peterson from all corners of the sports world. Peterson himself even took to Twitter to offer his own thanks for the support:

Joseph Robert Patterson was arrested Friday and held on charges of aggravated assault and aggravated battery of an infant before the child died, according to ESPN.

Fans, media and some of the biggest names in the NFL and other pro sports expressed shock at the tragedy and offered Peterson condolences. The volume of support for one athlete from across sports was remarkable, as the hashtag #PrayForAP quickly became a worldwide trend.

Here are some of the tweets of support from around the web:

Image: Harry Engels/Getty Images

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