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Five tips for building stronger B2B email relationships

Posted 11 September 2012 14:46pm by Patricio Robles with 2 comments

For many B2B businesses, email is an important channel for marketing to customers and potential customers. And, in many respects, B2B companies have opportunities to use email to build relationships in ways that B2C companies can't.

Yet relationship building is hard, and despite the opportunities email provides as a channel, many companies fail to take advantage.

So how can companies use email to build stronger relationships with customers and prospective customers alike? Here are five tips.

1. Segment

Segmentation is an important part of any successful email marketing effort, and that's particularly true when building B2B relationships using email. If your company sells software, for instance, chances are you'd want to send a different email to a CIO than you would a technical lead responsible for deploying and maintaining your solution.

2. Make it personal

B2B email lists are often much smaller than their B2C counterparts, and that provides an opportunity to make emails more personal than is often possible in the B2C world.

Personalization can take many forms. When dealing with existing customers, emails can be tailored based on the type of product or service a customer has purchased in the past, or could feature the customer's account manager as the sender. For prospective customers, information frequently gathered during signup, such as industry and company size, can be used to deliver more relevant content.

3. Don't just sell

At the end of the day, most marketing initiatives are expected to directly or indirectly drive sales, but when it comes to email marketing in a B2B context, that doesn't mean that you should be selling all the time. Email can be a great channel for offering customer assistance with products and services they've already purchased, or to provide free advice to potential customers.

4. Demonstrate your knowledge, skills and capabilities

B2B purchasing decisions are often more complex and considered and that means that the messages you deliver via email will probably need to be more thoughtful if they're going to produce the desired result. No "Buy one and get one for 50% off!" or "Free shipping!" offers here. The key to producing a compelling message: know your customers, what problems they have right now and how your products and services can be applied to solving them.

5. Don't leave it all to your list

Email marketing isn't just about your list. If you want to build stronger relationships with customers and potential customers via email, taking the time to send direct messages is a must. For all the effort many companies put into producing content for email marketing campaigns, sometimes a simple "How are things going?" from an account manager can do far, far more to build a long-lasting relationship.

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