domingo, 8 de diciembre de 2013

20 heinous examples of PR and social media jargon

Posted 01 February 2013 11:19am by Graham Charlton with 13 comments

We're not big fans of jargon and PR speak on this blog, and we did round up some of our least favourite words and phrases a few years ago. 

We also have a banned words and phrases section in our blog style guide, which aims to keep godawful phrases like 'paradigm shift' and synergies' off the pages of this blog. 

People keep coming up with this guff though, so I've listed some further crimes against the English language... 

In no particular order... 

Fanbassador: A fan of a brand who acts in an ambassadorial way. (Thanks to @CraigLeGrice for this one). 

Shoptimization: how apps can be used to optimise the in-store shopping experience for the consumer, usually by reducing costs.

Digi-tail: augmented reality and other digital stuff in-store to boost the shopping experience.

Wearable multitasking: "Watches that socially connect, work as credit cards and have games on them" - basically, wearable technology.

Fashionizing: making normal objects fashionable. Diet Coke being branded with Jean Paul Gaultier was an example.

Shoppertainment: "new brand experiences and memorable entertainment" in-store and online, such as IKEA holding a slumber party.

Mocial: Yes, it's mobile and social. 

Data is the new (soil): A bastardisation of Gerd Leonhard's phrase, explained here. Someone actually used this (skip to 6:50 in this video). "Data is the new which our ideas will grow". Pass me the bucket...

Phablet: basically, big smartphones which aren't quite tablets. Do we really need a word for this?  

Pivot: when a startup decides that a change of business model is needed. 

Value add: or, in plain English, added value. 

Omnichannel: yes, we've used this word on the blog, but what's wrong with multichannel?

Learnings: as in lessons learned. Learnings isn't a word.  

Reach out: commonly used by PRs. "I'm reaching out to you with the news that..."

Swim lane: a phrase for a person's area of responsibility within a business. 

We also asked our Twitter followers for some of the words and phrases they dislike.

Here are some of the best responses: 

 Which PR speak do you despise? Let us know below... 

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