lunes, 9 de diciembre de 2013

7 Things You Didn’t Know About David Copperfield, Courtesy of Reddit

David Copperfield

American illusionist David Copperfield has been described by Forbes as the most commercially successful magician in history. Monday night he took to Reddit to answer questions from users about his profession. Here are the seven questions and answers that most intrigued us:

1. David Copperfield goes to Broadway shows

WestingGame: What's an illusion performed by another magician that you find particularly inspiring or impressive?

Magicians lose the opportunity to experience a sense of wonder. Our mind is programmed to understand how things work, to be skeptical. To experience that now is a wonderful feeling, but very rare for me.

I recently saw the musical Ghost on Broadway, and my friend Paul Kieve created the magic for the show. One particular moment in that show gave me that feeling, and it was amazing to see. If you're in New York City, definitely check it out.

2. David Copperfield shopped at Macy's as a kid

TomCook24: What was the first effect you ever performed, or the first you performed with some regularity and can remember?

The first trick I bought at Macy's was a little wooden board where a quarter would appear and disappear. It took quite a bit of skill and practice – I worked so hard on that thing!

3. David Copperfield makes a fool out of himself too

shoeler: What's your biggest embarrassing moment on stage? Illusion or otherwise.

I've embarrassed myself so many times. About a week ago, I threw a frisbee into the audience to find a randomly selected person. A guy caught it and I told him to stand up. He was reluctant. I thought he was just shy. I encouraged him to stand up – please, stand up! Come on!

I then realized that he was disabled, and I felt absolutely horrible. I apologized profusely and I ran to him, he smiled, I hugged him, and he understood. So yeah – that was embarrassing.

4. David Copperfield's pre-show ritual is brushing his teeth with a sonicare toothbrush

passitaround: Do you have any pre-show rituals?

I brush my teeth with a Sonicare toothbrush before every show.

5. David Copperfield gives good advice

k0mbaticus: Forbes has called you "the most commercially successful magician in history." What advice would you give to aspiring illusionists who might want to follow in your footsteps?

First, learn everything you can about the art. Second, learn everything you can about being on stage – performing. And then work hard to find you own voice – your own unique point of view. Do lots of shows. And finally – most importantly – don't give up.

6. David Copperfield loves the Internet

masterchessboxer: How has the Internet (and technology in general) changed how your approach toward performing?

The internet is awesome! It forces me to up my game. It's created new ways for me to perform magic – I try to embrace it as much as possible. In the show tonight, I'm performing an effect that involves email and iPhone's and such. Magic and new technology have always walked hand in hand – even back in the days of Robert Houdin.

7. David Copperfield owns an island

paradisefound: What's the most magical thing you own?

An island. ;)

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