miércoles, 18 de diciembre de 2013

Four examples of digital excellence from #TheDigitals judges

Posted 18 March 2013 11:52am by Ryan Sommer with 0 comments

To celebrate the launch of our new digital marketing and ecommerce awards, #TheDigitals, I've rounded up four examples of innovation and digital marketing excellence cited by judges over the course of our Q&A series with them.

The Digitals celebrate, recognise and award excellence in digital marketing and ecommerce.

The awards will draw the best of the best from around the globe, and with extended entires your submission can still make the cut if you get it in before the new deadline of March 26!

Olivier Binse, Director Strategy Telecoms and Media at Deloitte: The Khan Academy and Green Dot GoBank

The Khan Academy platform provides free education for anyone anywhere, by operating as a platform both for students who can access thousands of educational videos hosted on YouTube, and for coaches who can track the progress of their pupils. 

Check out The Khan Academy mobile app (praised by the BBC as the 'best educational app' last year) and notice how educational content lends itself uniquely to being crowd-sourced.

GoBank is a new kind of checking account born out of the iPhone generation. Launching in January last year, this mobile only banking approach set best practice for new interactions. Check your balance by swiping, monthly budget tracking...it's all here. 


Natalie Gross, CEO at Amaze: Asics "Support your Marathoner"

According to Amaze CEO Natalie Gross, the Asics "Support your Marathoner" programme is a good example of an experiential, connected campaign.

For the 2012 Honda LA Marathon, the programme allowed friends and family to send pictures, texts, and video messages of support to the marathon runner of their choice precisely as they ran past one of two giant video screens placed in various locations on the race course. 

Grant Arnott, Managing Director of The Media Pad: Magazine Luiza "Magazine Voce"

We appreciated Grant going global, and The Digitals are a global awards series.

Magazine Luiza, Brazil's third largest department store, ran this campaign called Magazine Voce, with a concept of online curation for their customers.

According to Grant:

Participating customers can select a range of products to set up their own stores on Facebook or Orkut, spread the word to their friends and collect a commission on each item sold through their social store. Last I heard, over 40,000 customers were selling Magazine Luiza items online, with conversion rates far higher than on the Magazine Luiza online store.


Don't forget the new deadline for entries!

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