sábado, 8 de febrero de 2014

First Instagram Video To Reach 1 Million Likes Stars Shirtless Bieber

Once again flexing his enormous reach on social media, pop star Justin Bieber this weekend became the first Instagram user to earn 1 million Likes on a video post.

Instagram owner Facebook confirmed to Mashable that Bieber's first Instagram video (click here to watch), which he posted June 20 when Instagram added video capabilities to its popular photo-sharing app, was the first to reach the 1 million-Likes milestone.

The Instagram video shows a giggling, shirtless Bieber informing his online fans about Instagram's new features. Bieber, who was the first Instagram user to hit 1 million followers in March 2012 after joining in July 2011, now has more than 9 million Instagram followers.

Nineteen-year-old Bieber gave the Instagram video a boost by posting it on Twitter, where he recently became the first Twitter user to reach 40 million followers.

In total, Bieber has posted seven Instagram videos. Three are from the final NBA Finals game, one is him with fans, two are of him inside and outside a plane and, of course, the other one is his shirtless announcement.

Bieber isn't the only celebrity early adopter of Instagram video. Madonna (dancing), LeBron James (talking), Jimmy Fallon (contest), Ryan Seacrest (studio) and Wiz Khalifa (rapping) have also shared intimate moments via Instagram video.

To watch Madonna's video, click here.

To watch LeBron James's video,click here.

To watch Jimmy Fallon's video, click here.

To watch Ryan Seacrest's video, click here.

To watch Wiz Khalifa's video, click here.

Which one is your favorite? Have you seen any other Instagram videos from celebrities? Share them with us in the comments below.

Homepage image via Kevin Winter/DCNYRE2013/Getty Images for DCP

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