viernes, 14 de febrero de 2014

Nimble Streamlines Your Company’s Communication Over Social Media

Where day-to-day communications used to take place in the form of handwritten notes and meetings scribbled in a DayPlanner, today businesses communicate with clients everywhere from email to tweets and Facebook wall posts. One service, Nimble, is attempting to streamline all of those communication channels into one, and help businesses and individuals create better connections with the people they're trying to reach.

Profile Pages

Nimble allows you to import your contacts from email, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn and connect contact information for individual people in your network, creating unique profile pages for those contacts. So, if you follow a particular client on Google+ and Twitter, that information will be all be accessible from the same profile page.

Profile pages also pull in general profile information and recent posts made by a contact, so when you're talking to a client you can make that interaction a little more personal by including information from that person's recent posts or interests they mention in their profile.

"Business is social, and people buy from people they like and people who known them," Nimble CEO Joe Ferrera told Mashable. "CRM systems treat their customers like cows they're going to process. We want to promote engagement."

Unified Communication

With Nimble you're able to see all the communication you or any member of your team has had with a particular contact across all social networks. For instance, if you email with a client and your coworker sends them a tweet, you'll see both interactions on that client's profile page. You can view all of the contact you or team members have had with a person over time, and can leave yourself notes about a particular conversation or a reminder to follow up on an issue.

"Today we don't just communicate in email, we communicate on Twitter and Facebook and LinkedIn, and now Pinterest," said Ferrera. "I find it hard to connect all the points of contact and communication and built Nimble to help make sense of my Social Contact Relationship mess."

Just as a client's profile page shows all of your communication with that person over different social networks, your inbox on Nimble shows all of the communication you've personally received through those same networks. Twitter @ messages are listed alongside messages you've received on Gmail, LinkedIn, and Facebook, giving you one unified inbox where you can read and respond to everything at once.

An Activities tab within Nimble allows you to import your calender events into the service, a Social Listening tab lets you see who's talking about you in social media as well as find people you may want to connect with in the future, and a Deals tab allows you to keep track of deals you may have in place or in the works with a particular individual.

Nimble is currently free to use for individual users, with business accounts running $15 for each user. Ferrara said that roughly 60% of Nimble's current users are individuals, while 40% are business customers comprised primarily of groups of 2-4 people at companies with 1-10 employees.

Have any of you run into issues keeping up with communication throughout your work team? Do you see a benefit in being able to see all of the communication with a person over different channels simultaneously? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Photo courtesy of iStockphoto,andrearoad?

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