jueves, 6 de febrero de 2014

Thanksgivukkah is coming! Are you ready?


Thanksgivukkah, if you live under a stone, is of course the beautiful coincidence that sees Hanukkah and Thanksgiving fall on the same day this year.

What better way to get some PR for your company and to grab some sales from some of the 6.5m American Jews and the many more that have an affinity with the religion?

I hope that isn't too cynical, it's not as if for a long time retailers haven't greeted every season with glee.

And what's more, publishers are no better. After all, maybe I'm writing this blog post to aim for a share in the 'Thanksgivukkah' search spoils.

For retailers though, there could be some tough decisions.

As Monetate points out:

Will they stick to the standard Thanksgiving Day to Cyber Monday deluge of sales, or will they adapt and start offering up some Black Friday-esque deals well before Turkey Day in hopes of capitalizing on the Hanukkah shoppers?

And if they do stick to the standard Thanksgiving to Christmas shopping period, how will it affect their overall bottom line?

Besides from this decision on sales, what should US retailers and others consider online? Here's some simple suggestions.

Do some creative PPC?

Creative PPC is one of the joys of the internet. Here's an article showing how Ann Summers used it with the search term 'hung parliament' to get some publicity for their brand.

So maybe anyone can bid on 'Thanksgivukkah', retailer or no.

At the moment though, I can't see much out there. Zazzle's stuff is showing up as a nice little card in the Google SERPs. 

I'm surprised more aren't bidding on the term. Do some see it as perhaps sensitive or not for a broad enough market, maybe even taking away from a Thanksgiving focus? Who knows. 

It may even be nice enough this far out that you can rank organically with minimum work (let's hope so ;-). 

Thanksgivukkah recipes

This is an easy one. If you sell food or drink, if you have any content related to food or drink, get it 'leveraged' for Thanksgivukkah. Obviously you don't want to undersell the enormous opportunity that is Thanksgiving, but adding some recipes with a Jewish twist is surely a no-brainer. 

Thanksgivukkah is all about food. Pumpkin pie, creamed corn, turkey, loukoumades, pretzels and latkes. 

Here's Kutscher's in Tribeca explaining how they've met this culinary challenge.

Sell some 'menurkeys', or greetings cards at least?

At the moment it seems Thanksgivukkah may be a boon for artisans and on-demand gifts, as Google led me to Zazzle, Etsy and Mouth.

Maybe you should stock a menurkey or two? 

I heard Philip Green talk to Robert Peston on the BBC about the turn around for new products in his stores (and we're talking about clothes lines) being three weeks.

It used to be months of course. With retail now more responsive than ever, are those Thanksgivukkah gifts about to hit the shelves?

Smash social?

Thanksgivukkah is a talking point. Already a greeting of 'Gobble Tov!' has been coined. It is funny, warm and novel. In fact, the next Thanksgivukkah won't occur until 2108.

If I were a retailer, I'd be taking a few chances on social media, with some imagery and some gift ideas. 

What else could retailers do for Thanksgivukkah?

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