lunes, 14 de enero de 2013

And the Golden Globe Goes to … GIFs!

The annual gathering booze hounds and sequins — also known as the Golden Globes — had Hollywood's attention Sunday night. And if you dozed off faster than Taylor Swift can say "Why, hello there, Bradley Cooper," we have you covered.

No, we don't have a bootleg copy of the award show, but we do have a collection of GIFs (courtesy of Tumblr) that sum up the night quite nicely.

What moments did we miss? Share 'em in the comments.

Jennifer Lawrence beat Meryl Streep and ratted out Harvey Weinstein

Image courtesy of Tumblr, foooolintherain

Image courtesy of Tumblr, tvvillager

Surprise nominee

Image courtesy of Tumblr, storybrooke-gypsyx

Iron Man voted Clinton

Image courtesy of Tumblr, clumsylitttlehearts

Bill Clinton, y'all

Kristen Wiig and Will Ferrell couldn't believe Bill Clinton showed up

Image courtesy of Tumblr, riddlemetom

Tommy Lee Jones is not impressed by Golden Globe shenanigans

Best part of the #GoldenGlobes tonight, Mr. Tommy Lee Jones! on Twitpic

Image courtesy of TwitPic, @MikeFuller947

Bitches get high-fives done

Image courtesy of Tumblr, shygirl364

How you like them apples, Will Arnett?

Image courtesy of Tumblr, shygirl364

Image courtesy of Tumblr, shygirl364

Aziz Ansari had a little too much fun with the cast of Downton Abbey

Image courtesy of Tumblr, shygirl364

Back off, Taylor

Image courtesy of Tumblr, shygirl364

Glen Close enjoyed the free booze

Image courtesy of Vulture

Quentin Tarantino couldn't believe the stuff going down on stage

Image courtesy of italiansubs

The Les Mis cast is very close

Image courtesy of Tumblr, rickgrimeshappens

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