No doubt you've seen plenty of Star Wars-inspired art, from nesting dolls to R2-D2 heels. You may even have checked out the world's largest Star Wars museum (featuring the carbonite figurine above). But soon enough — in a few years, hopefully — it'll be time to see some of the art that inspired the Star Wars creator himself.
George Lucas, a 68 year-old retiree from Northern California who recently received a $2 billion pension, announced Tuesday he's going to spend a sizable chunk of that creating a brand new museum in San Francisco.
The museum's focus: not so much Star Wars as the whole field of visual storytelling and cultural fantasy. It will feature original artwork from Lucas' own decades-old, thousands-strong collection, such as paintings by Maxfield Parrish and Norman Rockwell. It will include exhibits on animation and digital art. We'd place a bet on comic book art — of which Lucas has been a fan and collector throughout his life — also being put front and center.
Lucas doesn't yet have a name, an opening date or even an official location for the museum — though he took a CBS film crew to a location in the San Francisco Presidio, near Lucasfilm's corporate headquarters, and said he'd like to build it there. We're sure the city's planning commission has taken note. (Incidentally, the Presidio is also home to a museum celebrating one of Lucas' primary inspirations and his childhood idol, Walt Disney.)
"There's a whole world of young people who need to be inspired," Lucas told CBS This Morning. "You either look at the world through cynical eyes or idealistic eyes ... I don't see anything wrong with being idealistic."
"Star Wars was there to inspire young people to imagine things," he added. "Imagine going anywhere in the universe and doing anything you want to do — using your imagination to entertain yourself."
What would you like to see in a George Lucas museum? Share your imagination in the comments.
Image by Mashable
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