domingo, 19 de mayo de 2013

Controversial Video Campaign Sparks Conversation and Other Top Comments

There are two sides to every story, even a viral video.

In the top comments above, we've highlighted our readers' reactions to the contentious campaign against Abercrombie and Fitch. After the company's CEO Mike Jeffries publicly stated that he "doesn't want larger people shopping in his store," Greg Karber created a video in which he gives the company's branded clothing to homeless people for free.

Karber's intention was to publicly condemn Jeffries' statement, but some of our commenters had an adverse reaction to the video. We've highlighted the debate in the gallery above. Which side of the controversy do you agree with? Let us know in the comments section below.

Floating Sheep, a group of geography academics, created the "Geography of Hate," a map that shows where geotagged racist, homophobic and ableist tweets come from in the U.S. While many commenters argued that the map doesn't take population size into account and therefore does not accurately convey which states were more "hateful" than others, Floating Sheep did rely on the ratio of hateful tweets rather than the quantity.

Other commenters expressed annoyance that the map highlighted something negative rather than focusing on the good in the world. People's reactions to this map were so strong, in fact, that the organization recently addressed the concerns on its homepage.

SEE ALSO: Adobe's Move to the Cloud Incites Anger and Other Top Comments

Readers were also extremely impassioned by this iOS 7 concept video created by Simply Zesty. Some said the video reminded them too much of the Windows Phone, while others complained about the flat design.

Finally, Facebook recently announced that Facebook Home has reached one million downloads. While one million downloads is certainly an impressive number, an overwhelming number of our commenters said that they uninstalled the launcher almost immediately after giving it a try. Have you taken Facebook Home for a spin yet? If so, let us know in the comments section below.

Image via iStockPhoto, mrPliskin

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