viernes, 17 de mayo de 2013

Link Risk Analysis Process Made Easy With Link Detox

Link-Detox-RiskWith the Google Penguin update (branded as 2.0 or 4 depending on the scoring you are following) hanging over the world of SEO and being set to roll out within the next 8 days, the need to take a step back from the promotion of your website in order to take action on the foundation that you have already built has become vital if you want to reduce the risk of being caught up in the automatic penalisation process.

As we already know that Google Penguin is the algorithm update that is designed to capture low quality sites based on the links that they have built or have pointing into their website, any sensible website owner would be looking to do a vast spring clean of the backlinks that they have within their profile.

We know that not every backlink that is pointing into your site will have been generated through some technique by yourself, however Google have no definite way of being able to determine which of the links that they find have been placed there by you, meaning that they have to take your backlink profile based on how they see it.

So with Google assessing the complete profile of your site, it is your responsibility as the site owner to make sure that you monitor the link profile of your website as Google act based on the information that they are given.

With the prospect of another round of Google Penguin penalisations being set to be handed out, the need to analyse your link profile is greater than ever and we have been given the chance to be able to make the analysis of profiles easier than through manual mediums, Link Detox by

Signing up to the software is simple and the data that awaits you is perfect for starting those backlink profile analysis processes, whether you are working as part of an agency that are working with a number of websites or an individual that is looking to clean up their own web properties.

Creating the link risk report is easy and completes in a matter of minutes, meaning that you have quick access to the valuable data that the tool has to offer and unlike the normal backlink analysis tools, a clear indication as to what the tool thinks that the links carry in relation to potential risk based on a number of metrics and a helpful scoring graphic that allows you to see quickly what the extent of your work is ahead of you.


The completed report gives you an insight into the various levels of risk that the tool believes your backlink profile carries in relation to how Google may consider your profile to be made up, a heavily populated link profile of high risk links would be what Link Detox would believe to be a potential penalisation.

While tuning into a Link Detox webinar hosted by Christoph Cemper today, we were given the walk through as to how he would use the tool himself, using his own website as the example and luckily we were able to see him in action as he looked to disavow a number of links that were placed into the site and carried a high risk potential.

During the webinar we sat and watched as we were shown the process that Christophe himself follows, creating an initial report to collect the link risk data and then saw as he worked through the list of resulting links that fell within the 'Toxic' category within the 'Link Health Breakdown' option.

Working his way through the resulting listing of backlinks, we were told that we should make use of the 'Rating' aspect of the table that we have displayed, based on the fact that not only are you helping to shape the way that the tool rankings specific backlinks on a grand scale but also making it easier for you to be able to reference back to these specific links at a later point so that you can quickly and easily extract the information to place the links into a Google Disavow file.

Watching as Christoph downloaded what he referred to has his "first step disavow list", we then told that he would recommend that users of the tool run the link risk analysis again, this time making use of the freshly downloaded disavow data that you have just taken and placing it into the 'Upload Ignore Links' section of the report creation screen, which will in turn mean that the tool will them re-assess your links without those links influencing any of the metrics used by the tool to output a risk score for your website.


Following this process should result in a lower link profile risk score indication as the tool will not account for the links that you have asked it to ignore while creating the report, allowing you to continue to make additions to your disavow link data before submitting to Google.

As the webinar drew to a close, Cemper addressed a question that was asked by another interested party in the software, who asked how often he would recommend that website owners take a risk analysis of their backlink profile and the answer was that it depended on your situation.

Cemper pointed out that the more risky industries would need to analyse their backlinks more frequently than those that work within a more website friendly market but the tool does offer you the chance to be able to automatically schedule your reports, making them available to you whenever you wanted them to be without the need to constantly run the reports manually.

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