viernes, 15 de noviembre de 2013

10 happy interweb things we've delighted in this week

hipster league of gentlemen

It's been a week already, so here's the latest Econsultancy round-up of internet slacker sub-culture.

The Editorial Team spends a fortune on salted peanuts to eat whilst finding this stuff, so I hope you will do the right thing and send us thousands of pounds cash in the post, as scant reward for our efforts.


Gadzooks, it's magazooks! Er, I mean bookazines

Shame on you, WHSmith.

Captain Kirk gifs of the week

Quora answer of the week

The question: What are some illogical scenes that occur in films?

The answer is beautiful, from Adrian Chan, and can be viewed on Quora here. But, I've gone ahead and copied and pasted it in full:

  • Nobody eats a full meal.
  • People are never hungry.
  • People don't yawn.
  • Nearly everyone has money.
  • There are tons of parking spots right where they need to be.
  • All streets at night are wet.
  • Buses don't require tickets to ride.
  • Nobody uses iPods.
  • There are no gas stations.
  • Hospitals have no waiting time.
  • There are no forms to fill out.
  • People pick up the phone.
  • Payphones work.
  • There is no graffiti.
  • Bullets are free.
  • The internet never goes down.
  • There's no tweeting.
  • Heartburn doesn't exist.
  • Sweat doesn't smell.
  • Hotels have no checkout time.
  • There are no ATMS in life.
  • There's no waiting for the bartender.
  • Jukeboxes play your song next.

Website of the week

Please just click and explore. The funniest bit is this box:



Tumblr of the week

I have no idea why short quotes from The League of Gentlemen, placed over hipster photographs, should be so compelling.

Insulting app of the week

I can't recommend Duolingo enough. Learning French, and learning to toughen up.

Street Fighter insults of the week

Silicon roundabout giant-beach-ball-in-storm incident of the week

The storm was stormy, and it ripped the big inflatable beach ball off the roof of Blue Latitude's office at Old Street roundabout in the heart of London's Tech City. The ball promptly bounced around and then popped.

Tragedy of the week

Andrew Warren-Payne quote of the week

Every week we post a quote by our most English of Analysts, Andrew Warren-Payne. It's a bit of an in-joke, but you can be in it, too.

This week, Andrew has been engaging Michael O'Leary, during RyanAir's second Twitter chat.

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