domingo, 15 de diciembre de 2013

A third of brands provide a poor mobile customer experience

Posted 12 June 2012 12:01pm by Graham Charlton with 2 comments

While more than half of brands say that customers regularly research their products on mobile, 36% rate the customer experience they provide to mobile users as 'poor' or 'very poor'.

As more brands launch mobile sites and apps, and use mobile marketing, providing an excellent customer experience becomes ever more important, and these results suggest there is much to be done. 

So how are brands adapting to this challenge? Our Reducing Customer Struggle 2012 report, produced in association with Tealeaf, has some of the answers...

Use of mobile platforms

Most brands no longer need to be convinced of the need to offer mobile channels to customers, with 74% saying that they have implemented a mobile-optimised site. 

Which of the following mobile platforms has your business implemented?

Tracking mobile metrics

While brands are providing mobile channels, there is work to be done to both understand and improve the customer experience.

Judging by the responses to our survey, while brands are measuring traffic and devices used by mobile visitors, too few are measuring the kinds of metrics, like behavioural differences, which can help to improve the customer experience. 

Does your company track the following mobile metrics?

Understanding the mobile user experience

Just 18% of respondents describe their understanding of the mobile user experience as 'excellent' (3%) or 'good' (15%), compared to an equivalent combined figure of 45% for the overall online experience.

How companies rate their understanding of the mobile user experience (compared to the overall online customer experience):

Mobile customer experience

Mobile UX issues

Providing an excellent mobile user experience is tricky for brands, as factors like the variety of devices and variable connection speeds present major challenges for designers. 

Screen-sizing isssues and bad navigation are the two biggest issues, followed by slow page loading

What do you think are the most serious issues your customers encounter when they interact with your brand via a mobile device?

Mobile does present a challenge for brands, and treading the line between having the features and detail that users expect, while keeping the site fast and usable isn't always easy. 

However, the rapid growth of mobile commerce and the success that some brands have had with this channel, means that improving the mobile customer experience should deliver results for companies. 


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