jueves, 12 de diciembre de 2013

Six tips for great B2B videos

Posted 20 August 2012 15:57pm by Patricio Robles with 5 comments

Thanks in large part to the popularity of video on the consumer internet, video has become a more important part of many companies' B2B content marketing strategies.

For obvious reasons, the process of creating an effective B2B video is a bit different than creating a B2C video, but that doesn't mean that it's an impossible undertaking.

Here are six tips for B2B companies looking to put video to use as a sales and marketing tool.

1. Invest in production

Although the bar for B2B video quality is arguably lower than consumer video, there's no excuse for producing videos that look like they were put together quickly and with minimum investment.

In some cases, hiring a professional to produce your videos or help with certain aspects of it may be worthwhile. From voiceovers to post-production, there are numerous services that can connect you to talent. On a budget and need to do everything in-house? There's good news: with reasonably-priced modern video editing software, a willingness to learn and practice (see below), you should be able to produce videos that will be much better than average.

2. Practice

Unless your company is hiring a professional to host or narrate your video -- something that may not be advisable -- chances are the person who will be donating her face and/or voice is not an Oscar-winning actor. That doesn't mean, however, that your video has to look and sound like an amateur production. With a little practice, almost anyone can become a decent host or narrator.

3. Think outside of the box

The Bs in B2B don't refer to 'boring.' Just because you're selling a product or service to other businesses doesn't mean that your videos have to be conventional or uninspired. From animation to comedy, with a little thought, techniques that work in B2C videos can often be applied quite effectively in B2B videos.

4. Show off your expertise

A video can be a great way to demonstrate your expertise -- a key component of building credibility with potential customers. To ensure that you're maximizing the opportunity to highlight your expertise, focus on selecting good topics for your videos and be thoughtful when writing your scripts.

5. Try to create an emotional connection

Whether you're selling widgets or accounting services, don't assume that you can only relate to your customers and potential customers on a purely rational level. Make sure that instead of simply explaining what your product or service can do, your videos help viewers envision what they can do with your product or service. Do that and your videos stand a much better chance of creating the kind of powerful emotional connection that drives immediate action.

6. Make your customers the stars

For many companies, the most persuasive salesperson is a satisfied customer. So where possible and appropriate, put customers in the spotlight and let them explain how your product or service made their businesses better. In most cases, their stories will resonate far more than any story you can tell.

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