sábado, 11 de mayo de 2013

Star Wars Episode VII: Coming to the U.K. in 2014

The next installment of the saga set in a galaxy far, far away will return to the seat of an Empire much closer to home. Star Wars Episode VII will be at least partly filmed in the United Kingdom, it was revealed Friday.

Large parts of the original trilogy (shot from 1976 to 1982) was shot on soundstages near London, specifically Shepperton and Elstree. The prequel trilogy (1998 to 2005) made much less use of the venerable British studios; Lucasfilm preferred to do most of its greenscreen shooting in Australia, where costs were lower.

But the U.K.'s leading finance minister, Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne, waged a campaign to lure Disney (Lucasfilm's new owner) back to the British Isles with some major tax incentives, according to the Daily Mail. Osborne celebrated the news in a tweet:

No specifics have been announced in terms of which studio we'll see J.J. Abrams direct the next movie in. And of course, basing the production in Britain does not preclude location shooting in countries around the world.

But it is a major feather in the cap of the British film industry, which will no doubt see some of its major talent hired for Episode VII. George Lucas himself praised the U.K. movie business at a Royal reception at Windsor Castle back in April.

"I've been here since '75," Lucas told the assembled guests, including Queen Elizabeth II. "So for me this is my second home."

He paid his hosts a greater tribute with a curious use of the word "we" a few moments later: "The White House, the government there [in the U.S.] doesn't support the film industry the way we do in Britain," he said.

Luckily, Lucas didn't mention all the problems he had with British food — and stringent film union work hours — back in 1976.

Photo by Steve Parsons - WPA Pool/Getty Images

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