lunes, 16 de enero de 2012

Clothes Shopping With Bodymetrics Lets You Try It On for Virtual Size

Online shoppers may be able to buy clothes in their pajamas, but they never know just how well those purchases will actually fit.

That problem may soon be history — thanks to a breakthrough piece of augmented reality technology from Bodymetrics.

The company has partnered with PrimeSense on a 3D body-mapping product to be revealed this week at CES 2012. The product uses the same PrimeSense 3D sensors as Microsoft Kinect to scan a user's height and waist size, as well as the other shapes and curves that make a body unique. After creating an account, users will be able to virtually try on clothes from partner retailers to get a true sense of how potential purchases fit.

The 3D body-mapping will be available for preview at CES, but Bodymetrics is still fine-tuning its business model — including its final price, which the company said will be approximately $150.

"When you walk into a clothing retailer or browse an online fashion site, they have no idea of your body size, shape or style," Bodymetrics CEO Suran Goonatilake said in a press release. "Bodymetrics body-maps you within a few seconds and gets hundreds of accurate measurements and analytics of your shape. Then, we match this data to the exact dimensions of a garment and allow you to virtually try it on your own body to see whether it is too tight, too loose or just perfect."

Mashable tried out two new augmented reality shopping apps at DEMO last spring, but we decided they weren't quite ready for prime time. The apps lacked precision and didn't offer enough information on how garments would actually fit in real life.

However, Bodymetrics believes its 3D figure-reader built on PrimeSense technology is the game-changer. The company has seven years of body-mapping experience, courtesy of a service it has offered at the Selfridges department store in London. The success of that product is a further indicator of Bodymetrics' potential success.

Internet shopping has already effectively shut down in-person book stores, video rental and travel agencies. The apparel industry has kept its physical doors open thanks to the imprecise science of online sizing. It's not hard to imagine a product like Bodymetrics figure-mapper taking a large bite out of that pie, but to do so the technology will have to actually deliver on the hype.

Beginning this week at CES, the jury of online clothing shoppers will be the judge.

Check out the video below for more information, then share your opinion in the comments. Would you use a product like this? How else can emerging technologies improve online shopping?

CES 2012: Mashable's Photo Coverage From the Ground

Check out more gadgets, booths and appearances from our team on the ground at CES 2012.

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