domingo, 8 de enero de 2012

Keeping up with mobile consumer demands: infographic

Posted 06 January 2012 13:53pm by Maria Wasing with 1 comment

The mobile web is here. If you are yet to put a strategy in place to develop your mobile presence in order to meet a growing consumer demand, now is the time to act.

I've identified the key areas to remember when organising your mobile strategy.

We recently released a research report that revealed almost a third of UK consumers have made a purchase using a mobile website in the last twelve months, and 26% having done so using a mobile app.

The findings also highlighted that 25% of online consumers said they would try a competitor if the mobile website was not working, while 64% said they'd only give a mobile website an average of three chances to work before moving on.

Therefore it's vital that you meet the challenges faced by consumers or risk losing them to a competitor; below we've outlined the key areas to consider in order to ensure your mobile strategy is up to scratch.

Firstly, your online content needs to be repurposed to fit the mobile channel. For example, lengthy descriptions should be avoided, customer typing should be kept to a minimum and user testing for login processes is key.

Using the location of the customer can also add value to the user experience when used in conjunction with personalisation, enabling a retailer to add information about a specific store for example.

Be aware of what happens when you drive traffic to your site, then you can optimise the correct content to reduce bounce back rates. Analytics tools are a great way to see where your customers are coming from, and you can combine this with your personalisation activity to serve the user what they want and need.

With the number of mobile users and apps rapidly increasing, it's important to consider and use the different devices in the best possible way. Tablet and mobile devices display content very differently, and are used by customers at different places and times.

This could potentially completely alter what information they may be looking for; therefore the content should automatically be repurposed to fit the scenario according to the device.

It's important to start small rather than attempting to do everything at once, and then to refine your strategy over time. We've put together an infographic that clearly shows the findings of our research, and will help you see why the key areas we've highlighted above are important.

Maria Wasing is VP of Marketing Europe at EPiServer and a guest blogger on Econsultancy. 


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