martes, 3 de enero de 2012

Spotify adds 7m new users following Facebook tie-in

Posted 09 December 2011 10:59am by David Moth with 0 comments

Spotify has announced that it has added 7m new users since its Facebook partnership in September.

During a keynote at LeWeb this morning CEO Daniel Ek also revealed that the company has developed a new radio streaming app.

Ek, who confirmed that he had no plans for an IPO, said the new product was similar to Pandora but had unlimited radio stations and skips.

Users will also be able to add songs they hear on the radio to their Spotify playlists.

This is the latest in a series of interesting developments for Spotify of late, coming just a week after the release of its new app platform.

Brands such as Rolling Stone and were among the first to release new apps which we reviewed here.

Spotify also announced last month that it now has 2.5m subscribers that pay around €10 per month.

However, Ek said Spotify's usability was the most important reason for its growth, rather than the tie-in with Facebook.

Facebook optimises sharing but people only share when they love the product."

He also confirmed that the deal with Facebook did not include any revenue share.

David Moth is a Reporter at Econsultancy. You can follow him on Twitter

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