domingo, 22 de enero de 2012

What we've been reading this week: UK edition

Posted 20 January 2012 16:17pm by Vikki Chowney with 0 comments

Once again we reveal what's caught our eye this week.

Here are the stories and links we've tweeted, posted, passed around the UK office and shaken our heads at.

Check back later to get the skinny on what our US team has been reading too.


Will Google penalise itself for excessive ads above the fold?

Patrick Altoft discusses Google's release of a new algorithm that penalises sites that have too many ads above the fold, on Blogstorm.

Originallly posted 20-Jan-12

'Ello, 'ello, 'ello: speaking clock calls cost Met police £35,000 in two years

The Guardian reveals that Met officers and staff made almost 115,000 calls to the time service.

Originally posted 18-Jan-12

The Oatmeal on SOPA

Without doubt the best 'SOPA blackout' protest yet.

Originally posted 18-Jan-12

Q&A: Nokia's CEO Explains Plan for Smartphone Dominance

Wired's Mike Isaac talks to Stephen Elop.

Originally posted 17-Jan-12

Consumerization of IT is more than using an iPad at work

CNET's Dave Rosenberg discusses business software vendors evolving to provide cloud services – likening them to newspapers moving onto the Web.

Originally posted 17-Jan-12

"Get back on the ship," coastguard orders captain of Costa Concordia

BBC Newshour spotted this extraordinary exchange between the Italian coastguard and the captain of the Costa Concordia cruise ship on the Corriere della Sera website.

Originally posted 17-Jan-12

China's microbloggers quadrupled in 2011, report says

The number of microbloggers in China quadrupled in 2011, according to a think-tank report.

Originally posted 16-Jan-12

UK festival-goers are set to get microchipped ID wristbands to combat ticket touts

Paul Sawers covers Intellitix's roll out of microchipped wristbands to a handful of festivals, on The Next Web.

Originally posted 16-Jan-12

Symantec Buys Cloud-Based Email Archiving Company LiveOffice For $115M

Does what it says on the tin, via Techcrunch this week.

Originally posted 16-Jan-12

Courtney Love does the math

The controversial singer takes on record label profits, Napster and "sucka VCs" before SOPA was even a twinkle in Hollywood's eye. Re-doing the rounds with eerie accuracy now, originally written back in 2000.

Originally posted 14-Jun-00

Vikki is News Editor for Econsultancy. You can follow her on Twitter.

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