domingo, 22 de enero de 2012

What we've been reading this week: US Edition

Posted 20 January 2012 20:30pm by Heather Taylor with 0 comments

Welcome to our new weekly round up brought to you by the US Econsultancy team.

These are some of the stories and links we've tweeted, posted, and passed around the office. What were you sharing this week?

SOPA and PIPA Protest Takes It to the Streets in NYC [VIDEO]

With most eyes on SOPA, we took a great interest in what was happening in New York, the home of our US headquarters. More than 1500 members of the NY tech community turned up to protest outside the offices of SOPA supporters Senators Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand.

Originally posted Jan-20-12

Best SOPA protest award has to go to The Oatmeal

As Wikipedia went black alongside with and others, The Oatmeal made an animated gif to explain what SOPA would mean to all of us. And it's funny too.

Originally posted Jan-18-12

New York rising: Brooklyn gets its first VC fund

As things hot up in the New York tech scene, Brooklyn gets its first VC fund.

Originally posted Jan-17-12

Journalism, Media and Technology Predictions 2012

Nic Newman shares this Google doc of his media focused 2012 predictions and trends. Nice to see him sum up his 2011 in comparison to last year's ones.

Twitter buys Summify, helps you automatically turn off the noise

Well Twitter has eaten Summify. Who's next?

Originally posted Jan-20-12

The Bark Side: 2012 Volkswagen Game Day Commercial Teaser

The Superbowl is coming and it seems there's more attention on the ads than the games. Already brands are touting teasers for their ads, including Volkswagen where a 
canine chorus barks a familiar tune...

Originally posted Jan-18-12

Not a Kodak Moment: Legendary Camera Maker Files for Bankruptcy Protection

Kodak is dead. We are nostalgically sad.

Originally posted Jan-18-12

Connect objects to the web with Twine

This is not really a post, but rather something cool we discovered from the MIT Media Lab. Twine connects the physical world to Twitter, SMS and email. It's still being developed but we really feel one step closer to the future.

Facebook gives Politico deep access to users political sentiments

Facebook are partnering up with Politico to give them access to all of your public and private data to measure sentiment of presidential candidates. Not cool.

Originally posted Jan-12-12

Heather Taylor is the Editorial Director for Econsultancy NYC. You can follow her on Twitter.

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