Rovio Entertainment has teamed up with CERN, which runs the world's biggest particle-physics lab, to bestow quantum physics knowledge upon young children in an effort dubbed "Angry Birds Playground."
"With Playground products, kids can have fun and learn more about physics than they would've in the 'old-fashioned' style of learning," Rovio's CMO Peter Vesterbacka says in a statement. "I've been to CERN and experienced it myself. It's a fun place to visit!"
The Angry Birds Playground program is for 3- to 8-year-olds, and is currently developing learning experiences.
BONUS: 'Angry Birds Star Wars' Arrives Nov. 8
Angry Birds Star Wars will be available to download on Android and iOS on Nov. 8. Naturally, the release will come with additional goodies. Check them out in the gallery below.
Rovio promised to unveil its Angry Birds/Star Wars mashup merchandise at the Times Square Toys R Us. This was the line to get in.

A young fan was first in line.

Press and fans were greeted with an enormous stuffed Chewbacca bird.

One of the Angry Birds Star Wars play sets takes place on a modified piggie AT-AT. The pigs have been cast as Empire characters for the tie-in.

There is also a Death Star play set.

Box art for the upcoming toys, which are being released by Hasbro.

Some of the tie-in figures, which represent Han Solo and Rebel pilots.

Hasbro is also releasing a Jenga set for the Battle of Hoth.

There are also Angry Birds Star Wars Halloween costumes, available in the next couple of days on Toys R Us website and in the Times Square store.

The iconic Red Bird has been recast as Luke Skywalker.

Here is the pig version of Darth Vader, as a plush.

The tags all show the joint branding.

The pigs are also Storm Troopers, and the plush is available in two sizes.

Princess Leia and Han Solo also make plush bird appearances.

Each fan that came to Toys R' Us received a poster.

The Times Square Toys R Us also now has its own Angry Birds section for all toys.

There are also launchers for Angry Birds Space.

Backpacks featuring the Red Bird also populate the Toys R Us.

The whole section surrounds a stack of blocks with King Pig on top.

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