viernes, 12 de octubre de 2012

Twitter Thinks Joe Biden’s Word Choice Is ‘Malarkey’

During the vice presidential debate Thursday evening, Republican Paul Ryan cited the death of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens in Libya as evidence that foreign policy is unraveling.

Joe Biden's rebuttal to Ryan caught the online audience's attention, due to his unique choice of word. "With all due respect, that's a bunch of malarkey, because not a single thing was accurate," the vice president claimed.

Sure enough, the Twitter hashtag #malarkey began to trend in the U.S. quickly after the comment.

SEE ALSO: Obama Campaign Buys Ads for 'Malarkey' Hashtag on Twitter

Most used it as humor, while others are firing back at Biden with his own outdated term. Here are a couple things Twitter users had to say.

Shortly after the trend picked steam, the Obama administration turned malarkey into a marketing opportunity. Anyone searching the word on Twitter will see an advertisement from Joe Biden's official account at the top.

BONUS: Listen Folks, Comedians Caption Joe Biden

Image courtesy of Tumblr

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