jueves, 13 de junio de 2013

Seth Rogen Has 'Avoided the Wrath' of Amanda Bynes on Twitter, So Far

Actress Amanda Bynes has been on a Twitter rampage — tweeting to tell Rihanna, Courtney Love and Miley Cyrus that they're ugly — yet she has spared comedian Seth Rogen.

"I've avoided the wrath so far," Rogen tells Mashable, before revealing his candid analysis of people, in general, who let loose emotionally on social media:

I think it's a difficult temptation. If you're the type of person that has poor decision-making abilities then having instant access to thousands, if not millions and millions of people, is maybe not the best thing for you. A lot of these people are really proving that. When it used to be harder to expose your insanity to the world, it was probably more beneficial for, you know, people who were crazier. Now, with a 140 characters, you can really change your perception of people instantaneously or people's perception of you. I've typed and deleted several tweets that could have been potentially threatening.

Rogen recently expanded his social media presence beyond Twitter to include Facebook and Instagram, in time for the June 12 release of the post-apocalyptic comedy This Is the End, which he directed and stars in. The movie, fittingly, has a cameo from Bynes' "victim," Rihanna. It also stars James Franco, Jonah Hill, Rogen, Jay Baruchel, Danny McBride and Craig Robinson.

Aside from chatting about Bynes, we asked Rogen about This Is the End, gadgets, his Arrested Development appearance, Vine, Freaks and Geeks and inappropriate relations with Willie Nelson.

Q&A With Actor and Director Seth Rogen

Mashable: In a post-apocalyptic world, what would be the best gadget to carry?

I'd go with a gun. With that you can acquire any other gadget or piece of technology.

Speaking of gadgets, what do you use right now?

I have a Samsung Galaxy S3 I got from the good people at Samsung after doing that commercial for them for the Super Bowl. The fucking screen is awesome and playing videos is amazing. You can almost use [the Galaxy S3] to watch pornography in a meaningful sense and that to me is amazing. I use a Mac computer. I have some gadgets but I'm not incredibly gadget heavy.

How was it playing young George Bluth on Arrested Development season 4 that recently hit Netflix?

It was awesome. I can't believe they asked me to do it. It was super cool. I only worked on it for one day. And I honestly never really had a clue of what i was doing. [We] were always like, "What's happening?" because we were always taping short bursts pertaining to another part of the story that we did not know. It was really fun, and I had a great time. I'm really flattered they asked me to do it. It was confusing to actually shoot it because I never really knew what I was doing. I was like, "Just tell me what to say."

What are your thoughts on Netflix releasing the new Arrested Development season all at once versus one episode every week so people can join the conversation on social media simultaneously?

It's interesting. I think it's nice to give people the freedom to watch it at their own pace. But I never thought of that element. Are we robbing people of the social conversation?

Like Game of Thrones "Red Wedding," right? It was fucking crazy; it was unbelievably gruesome. [HBO] kind of set a precedent that the second to last episode is when they do the really crazy shit — but they went way further than I thought they would. My wife is very upset.

What's the oddest comment someone has said to make you laugh?

Someone actually just tweeted me an image that said, "Go eat a bag of dicks." The image was a drawing of literally a giant bag of dicks.

You recently joined Facebook and Instagram. Why did you want to hop on those now?

A lot of my friends do and actors do it. A lot of them talk about how they first got on for shameless self-promotion and then found themselves really enjoying the ability to communicate directly with people and hear what people think about them. To me, that was really appealing. It's really funny, I really do get a kick out of the shit people say and the weird random conversations you get into with random fans.

How do you envision yourself using Instagram?

I'm into photography. I have a lot cameras and I take tons of pictures on the movie sets … So one of the things I want to do is showcase stuff on movie sets and the various, quirky things I have to do on the job.

How do you get things done when you're hanging out with so many funny people like you did while taping This Is the End?

You just have to. Luckily your fear as a director that you're not going to film everything you need to in time to kind of overpower every other desire to have a conversation that you might want to have.

What apps do you use on your Samsung phone?

[Vine] I'll definitely be downloading. I use Twitter. I use Facebook. I use Instagram. I like the S Memo because you can write a little note that just sits on your home screen; I'm super forgetful because I smoke too much weed. I can't look at my phone without looking at a list of shit I'm supposed to be doing.

Why Vine? What's so cool about it?

The way the actual app works is cool, like how you record by touching the screen and it's a real cool way to do little cuts and tricks and stuff like that. You're able to do stop-motion things with it. As a little movie-making app, it seems like a cool way to function it.

Going back to the Freaks and Geeks days (1999-2000), do you think shows like that would have fared better now with the presence of Hulu and Netflix, particularly since people can share them online rather than just tout the shows via word of mouth?

Yeah, I do personally. We were on TV right at the end of the era where if you were nerdy you had to watch shows right when they aired at a certain time. There really wasn't any infrastructure of watching things online, so yeah, counter-cultural programming fares a lot better now than when we were on.

How was your experience directing a movie for the first time with This Is the End?

It was fun. I've written a bunch, but it was nice to execute what you helped create. We got to pick the music and tell the actors what to do. All that stuff was really fun.

Did anything on the This Is the End set catch you off guard?

If anything, I was just constantly shocked at how hard the guys would go at one another, like personally. That was constantly providing a lot of entertainment. Most of the funniest stuff comes naturally. The guys seemed to come up with fully formed jokes on their own with a setup and a punchline. It just destroyed us it was so funny.

Tell me a joke.

This is a good joke, although it's kind of old at this point: What's the worst thing to hear when you're giving Willie Nelson a blow job?

I'm not Willie Nelson.

Image via FREDERIC J. BROWN/AFP/Getty Images

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