viernes, 21 de junio de 2013

Seven innovative new technologies set to revolutionise marketing

IKEA Catalogue app

"There must be an easier way." Lots of great ideas have been born from that simple phrase, and judging by the entries to The Digitals Innovative New Technology category, it's not a trend that's set to die down at any point soon.

From collecting multiple device data to search optimization, getting all your marketing ducks in a row is hard work. Here are seven new technologies set to make your life a little easier in future…

Fast Web Media uses the weather to control Bravissimo & Pepperberry's PPC

We've covered FWM's weatherFIT in the past, but it definitely bears a repeat look.

It's hardly surprising that what's going on outside (especially in temperamental Britain) affects what users search for online – as an example, here are trend results for 'Umbrella' and 'swimsuit' over the last 90 days:

So being able to align online offers in real time based upon what is happening outside has obvious benefits.  

Essentially a weather-activated ad management tool for Google AdWords, the weatherFIT software allowed Lingerie and swimwear retailer Bravissimo to tailor its online promotions and advertisements to suit the browser, based on the individual web browser's location and local weather conditions, with a huge impact on PPC revenue.

According to Ingenious Britain's coverage, PPC-driven sales revenues for Bravissimo's swimwear range increased by nearly 600% during the three-month campaign using weatherFIT

ITV harnesses second-screen ads with Ad Sync

As the second (and third, and fourth) screens become increasingly important, brands need a way to compete for the attention of users, which is where Ad Sync comes in.

As the name suggests, it's a simple idea, allowing advertisers to sync up their ads across multiple devices, alongside popular TV shows.

During The X Factor finals ITV launched an ad format that worked with the official play-along game (on smartphone and tablet, providing a synchronised dual-screen experience for viewers. 

Engagement rates for the campaign exceeded 38% (Based on the percentage of pages viewed due to a user action, which suggests that users were willing to view and engage with very relevant ads  (average CTR was 8.75%).  

McCann New York connects IKEA Catalog users

The IKEA catalogue is one of the world's oldest direct marketing publications, but hey, this is the 21st century man, so how do you transform a 61 year old pile of paper into an interactive experience for users?  

McCann used image recognition and augmented reality to allow readers to scan the pages to unlock additional content to enhance and extend the catalogue experience:

Despite the continued rise of second-screening, the app needed to be relevant to the least digitally centric customers, requiring a stripped down interface and clear but unobtrusive instruction symbols dotted throughout the catalogue, ensuring any user could easily unlock content.

This focus on UX and design allowed IKEA to tap into real-time customer insight and build more relevant messaging for their customers.

Globally, the app was the No.1 downloaded marketing app for a brand in 2012 and the revamped experience across print and app increased engagement significantly, with customers spending an average of eight minutes interacting with the app, compared to around three minutes with the traditional catalogue.  

myThings for Shop Direct Group, Love Label for's personalised video ad campaign

So far we've focused on connecting content from different platforms, but the best content in the world won't perform well if it isn't relevant. Love Label and harnessed real-time consumer data to deliver personalised, extremely relevant video banner ads to users.

By displaying products relevant to each viewer they generated significant uplift in engagement and brand exposure, and importantly, saw a related lift in sales. In essence, viewers were served with a video where models showcased products with a clickable rollover function allowing the user to purchase.

Real time decisions about which product recommendations to show each user were performed by advanced machine-learning algorithms that determined shopping intent based on available data from parameters including past behavior, crowd data and advertiser preferences.

By personalizing content, brands have a fantastic opportune ity to transform traditionally 'static' video viewers into active participants. 

Specific Media let you get your ad spend together with Householding

As the number of connected devices available to consumers has risen, media buying and delivery has become increasingly complex and fragmented. Specific Media's Householding project was designed to address this, Average of 5.5 connected devices per UK household.

The Householding project ambitiously set out to map over 18 million devices across the UK (At the time this represented around 90% of total available devices), grouping them so that advertisers could deliver multi-device, connected advertising as part of a single campaign, and collect unified results accordingly. 

This targeting not only changed the way media agencies buy ad space, but also improved the user experience by mapping consumer behavior, resulting in more relevant and less obtrusive ad delivery.

According to a study of the project from Nielson, households reached on three or more device types showed were ten times as likely to visit a site compared to single device users, while 24% more households conducted brand related searches than those not exposed to campaigns. Consumers exposed on two or more devices also had an 89% from 'basket' to 'check-out' conversion rate.

Stickyeyes Roadmap supplies smarter SEO

Everyone wants better search rankings, but staying on top often requires analyzing data from a large number of SEO tools and services. Stickyeyes Roadmap aims to simplify the process for marketers who may not have a deep technical SEO knowledge (or the time to exploit that knowledge fully).

Roadmap is a smart SEO monitoring and competitive analysis tool, which utilises cutting-edge proprietary software, designed to help clients achieve and maintain top natural search positions for their keywords – to maximise online ranking performance.

Roadmap delivers real-time SEO analysis, interrogating over 200 ranking signals. Along with granular, technical data, it also aggregates data to verticals and sectors, allowing marketers a more strategic view of the competitive SEO landscape at any given time. 

The system has robust technical capabilities, allowing it to analyse 68m ranking signal metrics while capturing and analysing 400m backlinks each month.

According to Stickyeyes: 

Roadmap's intuition means that SEO professionals no longer have to benchmark their search performance based on 'gut feel' as it provides a comprehensive analysis of who has best SEO strategy in the respective market.

VoxPopMe lets brands find instant consumer data

Analysing consumer opinion is incredibly important for any business, and while there are robust listening systems available, sentiment analysis is still difficult to measure accurately.

Many companies combat the lack of 'personality' in customer data by augmenting social listening with vox pops and surveys, but these can be difficult to scale, especially if you have a limited budget. 

VoxPopMe is designed to take the pain out of customer surveys, allowing brands to present questions easily via a mobile app, and collect video responses from customers.

The data from these can be collated quickly and easily, rather than having to pile through hundreds responses, brands can drill down to focus groups easily. Rather than piling through 200 videos, you could for example extract data from females, aged 35-40, with negative responses.

This has the added bonus of allowing brands to examine and action data at a faster rate. 

Of course, customers tend to need a nudge to respond to survey questions, so the system allows brands to directly pay for responses from consumers, meaning that along with an increased response rate, they gain data from highly engaged consumer groups. 

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