viernes, 31 de enero de 2014

Less than half of companies integrate mobile into marketing campaigns: stats

Posted 29 June 2012 12:34pm by Graham Charlton with 0 comments

Just 49% of companies have a strategy for integrating mobile into broader marketing activity, including 35% who say integration is very basic. 

This is one of the findings from Econsultancy's Cross-Channel Marketing Report 2012, carried out in association with Responsys

Though mobile has grown rapidly over the past few years, it seems that many companies are held back by organisational issues, while others may need to focus on tactics such as optimising email for mobile, rather than relying on QR codes. 

Integrating mobile into marketing campaigns

There is massive potential here, but 51% of company respondents are not integrating mobile into marketing campaigns at all. Agency respondents paint a slightly brighter picture, with 56% reporting that clients have some basic integration in place.

Does your organisation have a strategy for integrating mobile into its broader marketing campaigns (company respondents)?

Types of mobile advertising

As the chart below shows, mobile search marketing figures highly here though, such is the potential, that 35% is very low. Just over a quarter (27%) are using push notifications, while 25% use mobile display advertising. 

On the agency side, 42% say clients are using mobile search, compared to 41% for mobile display, and 37% for in-app ads. 

What types of mobile advertising is your company engaged in?

Using mobile channels for brand interaction

Though 50% of companies surveyed said they encourage customers to interact with their brand using QR codes, and 35% have created apps, there is less take-up of more basic (and proven) methods. 

For example, just 29% have a mobile commerce site, which makes you wonder what kind of landing pages all those QR codes are leading people to. 

Also, just 29% are optimising emails for mobile. Stats show that 41% of Europeans would close or delete an email not optimised for their device, so marketers are missing an opportunity here. 

In addition, companies like British Airways have run successful campaigns and achieved impressive results by tailoring emails to users' mobile devices. Perhaps a focus on this and mobile commerce, rather than the QR code, would achieve greater ROI. 

Which mobile channels do you use to encourage your customers to interact with your brand?

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