viernes, 1 de marzo de 2013

Catch up on what you missed over Social Media Week

Posted 26 February 2013 18:12pm by Heather Taylor with 0 comments

Over the last week, the Econsultancy team has been jumping from venue to venue, listening in on some great sessions and workshops as part of Social Media Week 2013

As we know our readers are not all based in New York, we thought we'd go through the list of some of the great sessions we saw and share those that have a recorded live stream that we liked so you can watch it for yourself. It's like you were there with out having to deal with subways or the rain of last week. It also means you weren't in New York, but hey, it's much cheaper this way.

A digital native and a digital adopter in a complicated media age

The session that kicked off the Ideas Connected experience at Social Media Week Global HQ revolved around a conversation between Brian Stelter and David Carr of the New York Times. They went through the systemic changes happening via the social web and how we can rethink structures to be more reflective of a 21st century world.

Keynote: Jeff Dachis on redefining mass communications

The communication landscape has been upended; we've gone from a society of mass communications to a global mass of communicators.  But, this shift has opened the door to a host of questions.  How will brand marketers metricize and justify these new currencies of engagement?  Are all tweets, pins or likes created equal?  What will it take for brand marketers to be able to engage this mass of communicators at scale?

Rewiring Government for Openness, Connection, and Choice, Featuring Susan Crawford and Beth Noveck 

Presented by professors Susan Crawford and Beth Noveck, they explored how we have an opportunity to reinvent our systems in this era of big data and social networks. They stress that we need to replace regulations with more innovative alternatives to encourage entrepreneurship, protect citizens, and allow for economic growth. This is key to our futures and will be a model businesses need to look at as they become more integrated.

No more silos: amplifying impact through openness and collaboration

The process of achieving social change is traditionally often siloed and slow. Non-profits and government agencies might work towards some of the same goals, but are not amplifying each other's work.

Tonya Surman and Josette Melchor are changing that. Tonya is the CEO of the Centre for Social Innovation, and Josette is the Founder and CEO of the Gray Area Foundation for the Arts. They both have helped build models for community change with collaboration and openness at their core.

Yet another example modern businesses can learn from.

PSFK Presents The Future of Work: Making Social Work in Collaborative Workplaces

Despite the news that Yahoo will close the doors on any remote work solutions, PSFK Labs explores the trends shaping a social and collaborative work landscape. Though this lifestream isn't available for future viewing, you can read PSFK Labs' Future of Work report which presents the cutting edge innovations shaping the future of work.

Master class: Innovation in cross-platform social marketing

This class will help provide the insights, education, and best practices at creating innovative social marketing campaigns across multiple different social networks. Learn easy and effective ways to leverage the strengths of many social networks in one initiative.

Viewers will see innovative new marketing techniques in content, targeting, and strategy, including cutting edge tactics brand new to the social space. The class will also focus on several examples of how well executed cross-channel campaigns turn simple data points, into actionable insights.

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