miércoles, 6 de marzo de 2013

Watch our B3Brunch video for free Social Media advice

Last week saw two of our talented Social Media Strategists hold Brunch with Branded3, an expert Google+ Hangout focused around customer service on social media.

We had fantastic interaction from fellow Google+ users and some great questions came in. The session kicked off with a question about how to effectively deal with a customer query or complaint in just 140 characters on Twitter.

Strategist Fi Dunphy emphasised that the key thing to remember here is to deal with the query as quick as possible and to ask them to send you a direct message with their email address, remembering that both you and the user must be following one another.

This way, you take the issue away from the public domain, but the rest of your social followers can see that you're dealing with it straight away, strengthening their trust in you as a brand.

There were also a few questions surrounding which social media tools were the best to use. Our Strategists recommended Radian6 if you're a fairly high-profile brand and would expect thousands of mentions per month, and SocialReport for smaller brands with much smaller budgets that still want well-rounded reporting.  There are also some great free social tools out there like Mention, Bitly and Tweet Deck.

Clearly, we're advocates of using Google+ for its innovative Hangouts feature, but many brands and companies are still unsure about how to use this for reaching out and more importantly, why they should use it. This led to a few questions being asked about whether we'd recommend it.

First and foremost, our experts explained that you really need to think about the audience you're trying to reach and what you're trying to achieve; there's no point putting your all into establishing a presence on Google+ if you're target audience doesn't use it. However, you should always be encouraged to try and reach new audiences and Hangouts are a great way of showcasing your product or service in a fun and engaging way.

Another tip from Georgia Halston was to ensure you have a content plan for your social channels, not just your blog. This way, you can keep a track of what's working and what's not and alter your content plan accordingly for the following month.

If you've got any more questions surrounding social media which weren't answered in last week's session, please feel free to get in touch with us via our social media channels, or send an email to brunch@branded3.com.

Keep an eye out on our blog for details of our next Brunch with Branded3 session and we'll see you there!

Video Transcript

Georgia: So this is the February Branded3 Brunch. It's on customer service for social media. So we've had a few questions on it already. If anyone would like to make any questions now, you can go ahead or we can start straight into some questions that have already been posed.

Fiona: Okay. So somebody asked us how can you effectively deal with a customer query or complaint in just 140 characters? Do we have different approaches for different channels? Okay, so the first thing I would say is you have to be timely. You want to answer their query as quickly as possible, because you know, say if they've got a complaint, they're likely to be much more receptive to you if you're coming back to them very quickly. The next thing I would say is if it is a complaint, or if it's a query that you can't answer within 140 characters, then just ask them for their email address. Ask them to send you a direct message, and also remember that you both have to be following each other. So if they don't understand that, you need to make them aware of that as well.

But I think the most important thing is being timely and proactive. You don't want to give them a general, generic complaints email inbox or anything to email because they've probably already tried that and that's probably why they're tweeting you. So yeah, be proactive I would say.

Georgia: I think that for a lot of people, using social isn't necessarily the fast result. They probably already tried to ring you or tried to maybe send you an email, and now they're thinking well what else can I do? And they're finally like I'm going to tweet them and go straight to the source. That's why you have to make sure that you're giving such a different answer to every single person. It's not just the same generic thing that they might have heard over and over again. Anything else?

Fiona: No, I think that's it. Have we got any other questions coming in?

Georgia: Okay, I've got one here. What would you advise if anyone's being particularly aggressive or abusive on a comment page and posts it to your company? I think a lot of people sort of have different opinions on this. A lot of people have asked about it, because it is a real worry for people who have never used social media before in a company. A sort of migrate in form using calls or just using email systems or royal mail systems. And they're going over to social, and they're so scared that they're going to get totally abused by their customers. So I think that what you've got to sort of initially understand is if there is a genuine complaint, there's a genuine issue and something has gone wrong and it is maybe sort of on your part, that something's gone wrong, then you have to address that complaint whether you feel it's abusive and you can't take anything personally either. If you feel oh, I've built this company myself, you're a smaller business and you've got real affinity with your brands and you start taking stuff personally, you can't. You've got to look at it objectively and look at the actual issue. And you know, make some way to address that issue and find a solution whether or not you think it's abusive.

When it comes to people who are just being abusive for the sake of being abusive, because they are really annoyed and they've used a lot of bad language, you can use filters on Facebook where it just doesn't post peoples' comments if they use bad language. So that just won't come up. But when it comes to anything else like Google+, there aren't filters there and it can't be censored. So you kind of have to take it on the chin with that.

Fiona: There's a really good example recently with Next. Unfortunately, they kind of made it a bit of an error when somebody just kind of mentioned that . . . I can't remember if they actually tweeted @nextofficial, but they actually said there was a problem with the delivery, they have the phone number, why didn't they call me?

Georgia: And it was a genuine issue. Next had failed in that situation. And the person hadn't even used a contentious swear word. It wasn't the worst that you could use.

Fiona: Yeah, but Next actually asked them to take the tweet down unfortunately, which obviously resulted in quite a lot of backlash from the users because obviously it's out in Twittersphere there. The tweet itself anyway wasn't particularly abusive; it wasn't directed at Next, it was just a comment. And then they actually came back and told the users that they were embarrassed and that isn't how they usually dealt with complaints or negative tweets. And then they actually filled up their feed with the exact same carbon copy, 'we're really embarrassed and this isn't how we deal with complaints'. So everybody that had gotten involved in that conversation, they came back with them with an identical tweet which obviously gets really strange. So maybe consider how your tweet's going to look, how your stream's going to look when you're dealing with queries and complaints as well.

Georgia: And if you're tweeting out the exact same thing to every person who's tweeted you, that's not a secret. People can see that you're doing that. The exact same tweet, just copy and pasting it. People really appreciate it when you give them a bespoke solution to a problem, and when you're tweeting the exact same thing and it's right there, it's a really bad example of customer service. It's not something that we would tell our customers to do. What we would have done differently is made sure there was a tweet to everyone who had an issue, try to take the issue off Twitter straight away, and never ask someone to remove their own opinion from Twitter. That's just not what it's about. And if you're asking people to do that, it shows that you don't understand what the platform is about. It shows that you don't have any understanding of social media at all if you're asking people to remove tweets.
Oh, so we've had another question come in from Rebecca Moss on Google+.

Fiona: Okay, so Rebecca, you're asking do you think that posting on-site content on social media causes these pages to be index more readily? It might do, but there's no proof in that. I think certainly with Google+, if you're posting not necessarily carbon copies of on-site content but blog posts, that will, if you put your authorship to it, that will help your brand get, it will go through to the search. So that will help you appear in the search results if your blog content answers somebody's query in Google.

Georgia: There's been nothing set in stone from Google about social and SEO, but you know, Google's always going to prefer its own social platform. So it's a massive reason for you to get involved with Google+ anyway. They're always going to say that over any other social. So even though we have reason to believe that in the future search will be taking social noise a lot more seriously, if you do want to start thinking about that side of your SEO strategy Google+ is the place where you probably need to be making the most effort in. Another question has come in.

Fiona: How do you work out which social platform is best for reaching a particular audience, and are there any specific tools that you'd use? Well first of all, I'd say that every offline marketer, they need to know their audience. So that's the first place that you'd start. What's your audience's profile? If you can target your audience's profile, and then you can kind of use that to start trying to find them online. And so at Branded3, we're quite big fans of Mention and TweetDeck. So if you haven't used TweetDeck before, you setup different columns. You can follow mentions or users. You can follow search terms, and you can exclude certain words so you can be a bit more selective. You can setup multiple columns so you can have different streams for each search term and user. So yeah, you can track mentions, and that's a really, really good social listening tool. You can also use it to search for hashtags. You can look for trends in Twitter as well. But Mention, for example, say if you're a restaurant brand, you can setup search terms. You can setup a search term for your own restaurant, and then that will pull in mentions on say like TripAdvisor and Yelp. That's a really effective tool in helping you be more proactive if somebody leaves a negative or even a positive review so that you can respond to them.

There's a chef in New York, I think his name is John Howie. He runs a steakhouse and he owns it as well, but he actually uses the reviews on TripAdvisor and Yelp really effectively because he responds to every single one, positive or negative, actually over on YouTube. So he gives a really, really positive customer experience and lets his customers get to know him as a chef as well. So it's not just a faceless person writing generic responses; he's actually giving a really personalized response. So this one . . . I think it says 'Crappy service, crappy food, wouldn't go back, I expected more.' And he actually just comes onto his YouTube channel and says I don't know what went wrong there, but let me offer some vouchers and let me change your mind which is awesome. It's a really, really nice way of listening to your customers.

As for different platforms, Google+, they've just launched communities fairly recently. So I think this is a really positive move for Google+ because it allows users to congregate based on what they're interested in. So you might be a travel brand. You might be selling safaris or something, and you can find out where people are talking about the weather. They might be sharing photographs of elephants and safari animals and stuff. You can apply to join the group and get in contact with the administrator and see if they can work with you on something. They might be a blogger as well, so that's a good thing. On that note, reaching out to bloggers, that's a really fantastic way of reaching large communities. So if you can find a top blogger, say like a mom blogger if you're a kid's clothing brand or something, if you can get in touch with a good, genuine mom blogger, check out her social profile; see how many followers she's got on Twitter; how many fans she has on Facebook if she has a Facebook page; see how many comments her blog posts get, just to see how well-read her blog is, then maybe you can approach the blogger. Maybe you've got some expert opinions or you can offer a Q&A or something for their readers. That's a really good way of contacting customers through those channels. Any more, Georgia?

Georgia: Oh, Rebecca asked do you use any social media monitoring tools? Well yeah, we do, because obviously we've got social clients and we need to report back on how well our campaigns are doing. But in general, we have mentioned like Fiona was saying, she finds out what people are saying about the brand as well as how the brand is growing, being perceived and why it did.

Fiona: On blogs, news sites, Twitter, Facebook.

Georgia: And then Radian6 as well is a really good, it's a really rich tool that we use. It's really in-depth and not necessarily everyone can use it. It's really good for us as an agency to have the power of something like Radian6 behind us, to be able to go really intricately and report back to our clients exactly what's going on with the brand.

Fiona: Yeah, it's a really nice tool because you can measure sentiments and you can measure around a brand name, say your own company name. You can measure it all, kind of putting say tweets . . . somebody might say I had a really bad time at such-and-such restaurant and that will obviously register as negative. Sometimes it gets it a bit wrong, but you have the power to change that. You can just kind of correct it so that when you put up your reports, you can see kind of the fair, exact review of the sentiment that month. But also you can kind of use it to drill down through keywords and see what people are talking about in conjunction with other words. It's a very nifty tool, but I think the only downside with it is that it's really expensive.

Georgia: I think on that site, an issue for smaller brands, you might not want to invest in bigger tools like that, and you might want to get an agency on board like us who already have access to those tools, then you might not have to be paying the premiums that you would be if you were doing it yourselves.

Fiona: I think there are smaller tools that you can use as well like with Vocus, and we tested it as well, which is decidedly cheaper. And also Social Reports, that's even cheaper than Vocus. So I mean it depends on the size of your brands and how many mentions you think you're going to get, because a lot of them work on a per-mention basis. So if you only think you're going to get 500 mentions on the web, then say Mention, the tool Mention, is a really good free tool that you can use to monitor, You might be able to start for free with a free account. I think it's about $29 a month if you want to get the pro account. So that's a nice investment if you kind of want to go a bit deeper into what dimensions on social media mean.

Georgia: But you know, if you're looking for just sort of feedback on what people think about your clothes, and the engagement that you're getting from things that you're putting on your own channels, there's a lot to be said about the insights that you can get from just Facebook Insights, and that's all free. And like Socialbakers, that can adjust the growth of your own channels; that's free as well. It really depends on what you're looking for. If you're looking on a report of how well you're doing and how well your content is being received across social, then you might want to just use one of these free tools. But if you're looking as to really in-depth, looking at stuff like sentiment of how your brand is being perceived in general, then you're going to need something a lot more intricate and a lot more powerful. Unfortunately, you might have to pay for it.

Okay, so Tom Bonnet from Google+, he said, "Do you think hangouts are the key to Google+? If not, should we be using it in a similar way to Facebook and Twitter and hoping that we get followers? Or are there functions missing?" That's quite a few questions in one there actually. So let's tackle the first one first. Do you think hangouts are the key to Google+?

Fiona: Key to success? Key to using it?

Georgia: They certainly let you be a lot more familiar with your channel for a start. You do engage quite a lot more with your audience. You make it a lot more personal. I mean we obviously really appreciate the functionality of the Google+ hangout, and yeah, it does in our experience really bring in an audience and keeps the audience interested.

Fiona: It's a really good way getting your industry expertise out there. So it helps people get to know your brand, your stance on things, and also I'd say with hangouts it's a really good way of getting in touch with bloggers. I think personally the key to using Google+ is finding where the communities and the bloggers are, and the bloggers tend to be kind of the heads of online communities.

Georgia: I'd say the USP, no other platform has anything like the hangouts. You can't video chat on Facebook, but you can't do that for a business anyways. It's just not the same level of engagement that can happen with a little community of people where you can just talk to each other. And I've seen a lot of awesome brands doing it, like the NASA one recently, and the Cadbury's one, we took that call in just because it was genuinely a magnificent experience and it was so much more personal and it brings those big companies to life.

Fiona: So yeah, the Cadbury's one just to give you a little bit of background, this is really cool. So they invite people to join, and they actually sent out bars of chocolate. So a few of us joined and a few of us got massive bars of chocolate and tasted it. They have their gold, silver and bronze flavors of chocolate. And they got us all to do a live tasting, which was really fun. Obviously chocolate's a much easier product to sell than I don't know, insurance, but you've just got to find out what you think people will be interested in, what they'd enjoy, and be a bit creative with the videos. I think definitely Cadbury's has done that.

Georgia: So also he said if not, should we be using it in a similar way to Facebook and Google+ to get followers? Well, we obviously think that it is not key. You don't have to use it. And yeah, you should be putting out quality content as you do on your Facebook and your Twitter anyways. But you don't have to be using them in the exact same way. And experiment with hangouts.

Fiona: You probably also have to ask yourself how are you using Facebook and Twitter as well, because if you're just sitting there waiting for the fans to come to you, you know, if you're just kind of putting out your own posts about your own company, that's not a very creative way of marketing. But if you actually . . . you need to do a bit of outreach, I think, especially on Twitter because it's an open platform so you can actually listen out for what people are saying, listen out if you're being talked about with that sort of TweetDeck I was talking about earlier, and actually reach out to them. They might be asking a question that you can offer a solution to and stuff like that.

And also with Google+ you can go out and actively find people. Facebook's a little bit harder, obviously; you have to wait for the likes to come to you, and you have to wait for your information to disseminate through your own fan base to that friend and everything. But yeah, just be proactive I think with Google+. I don't know, it'd be interesting to see how you are using Facebook and Twitter and to see what you're actually doing there. If you want any other ideas, just get in touch with us. We'll put a blog post up. So get in touch with us on the comments below.

Georgia: So James asks another comment on Google+. It says I run a blog and we'd like your thoughts on content sharing versus a digital presence. Is having a conversation via social medium more important than telling people about the jobs we've recruited for? I think that I've got one client at the moment where you've got a fine line between just having conversations in general, and then bring it back to brand because especially with some brands that think that they're . . . what they're selling, their services, they don't think that's very interesting. There are a lot of companies that aren't, that don't have very interested . . . So I think what you're asking here is should you be talking about the recruitment?

Fiona: Industry news?

Georgia: Yeah, just every day like I've got this job, this job, this job or should you be trying to sort of like have a wider conversation? And obviously don't just be using your Twitter feed as like I've got this job, I've got this job. You're not going to win people around that way; you're not going to win new followers. Yeah somebody might be looking for a job, but if you bring a sort of element of brand affinity through fun, interesting content and you position yourself as an authority on your product through . . .

Fiona: Yeah, maybe how-to's, top tips like top five lists. You know, rather than just telling people about the jobs, you might want to contextualize it by telling people how they can get ahead in our sector. So I don't know, for example, a design job, people might want to know what design companies are looking for in a portfolio or in a CV. So I think yeah, I just want to make sure I'm answering your question. So is having conversation via social media more important than telling people about . . .

Georgia: Yeah, you're just going to say the same thing. You need to tell people about your product, but you need to also have a conversation because you're never going to have feedback if you don't promote a conversational element within your social site. That's what social is about anyways is conversation.

Fiona: Being social.

Georgia: Yeah, it's about being social. So make sure if you're just like oh, we've got those jobs right now for graphic designers, how many graphic designers are there out there? Do you guys find it hard to find work? Are there any union leaders there? Are you guys finding it hard? Where do you think is the best place? Where in the country? Yeah, share resources, make it into a forum. Make it a place to be for recruitment news, and that's why you'll have people not only coming once to find out what's going on, but will keep recurring, coming back, and you'll have people. If people see that your Facebook or Twitter is a place where people are sharing information, then they'll keep coming back to it because they'll see it as a sort of destination.

Fiona: Yeah, if we haven't answered your question then get in touch. Oh, we've got another comment from you. We'll answer that in a second. I think we might have some from email.

Georgia: Let me answer Lauren Bines. If you've got a Google Professional social channel do you think it will influence Google rank? Oh, we've already said, sorry, Google rankings the most? We've already said it's going to be Google+. I don't want to say definitely, but that's my opinion as a social strategist and somebody who works in a search engine optimization company. We've got relaxed to that, yeah.

Fiona: Yeah, we did a test with one of our clients a while ago to see if we could drive people towards a live app, sorry, just running a certain page. And it actually made a big difference in the rankings. So yes, I think we can safely say . . .

Georgia: It's going to be Google+, yeah.

Fiona: It has a direct impact. Obviously, it makes sense.

Georgia: Okay, so back to James who ran the recruiter blog and was asking about conversations via social media as a common incidence and saying he uses his blog to keep followers updated on industry news and top articles by fleshing out the content via social. It's a hard balance to find. So I think we need to go with some idea of finding the balance. What you need to do first, James, is do you have, well, I can't ask you that. But make sure that you've got a content plan not just for your blog but for your social as well. And you have to sort of go through your social and keep tabs on what you're putting out, what will have different sections as in this is going to be just about jobs, this might be a more humorous piece, this might be more to do with current affairs, and see what your audience engages with. Keep tabs on that, and make sure that you're feeding back to yourself and report every month just using Facebook Insights maybe?

Fiona: That is a good thing actually to track across Twitter and Facebook, bit.ly. Check that out, because it will tell you things like how many people clicked on your links so you can actually see directly how well appealing your link was that you posted out. Probably another thing is how are you selling it to people on social media? So are you just saying industry news today, link? You might just give the article header. Has it got a hook? Is it going to want to make people click or make people want to click? So you might want to say five reasons why you need to sort your CV out or something kind of like that. It has a bit of urgency, a little bit of punch.

Georgia: And keep asking questions. Just like here's our blog post. What do you guys think about blog posts? Don't just be like here's a blog post. Make sure that it's always got some element asking for engagement on it. Say we really appreciate your feedback on this. Just see your engagement levels just keep climbing from my experience.

Fiona: Yeah, like strike your balance between pushing your own stuff out and getting involved in other peoples' conversations. Because you know, say Twitter again, a really good example because it's open. But if you're posting your own blog posts up and your own news and your own insights, that's not enough. But if you're reaching out to people, you can probably get some new followers out of that and people kind of taking an interest. If you take a bit of interest in what they're talking about, you might answer some questions or you might get a comment on something interesting. It's just a really nice way of networking.

Georgia: And just doing your research on things like unique forums and stuff and making sure that you know what it is that people are looking for. And somehow with your content, make sure that you're giving some way towards a solution to problems that you find people are having.

Fiona: Yeah, like thinking about your audience as well. Because I'm just thinking, because you're saying it's really difficult to, well, if you're pushing out industry news and content, see if people actually find that interesting. Who is your audience? Who are you trying to get to? Are you trying to get to people in the industry, or are you trying to get to people that find jobs? Who do you want to follow you? Who do you want to react? Maybe it's both, so you need to find out what both of those niches are interested in and be very mindful of that when you're (a) writing your content for your blog and (b) pushing it out on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, wherever you're pushing out.

Georgia: Do we have any more questions on Google+? Okay, so Tim Grice asked us a question. What's the best way to measure commercial value of social activity?

Fiona: I think it's a really tricky question. That's something everybody wants to know. I would say . . . well, we're doing this talk on social service, so I would say you can justify it to the people that hold the purse strings by saying you can offer this as an extra customer service channel. And so, you know, if you've got a call center or you've got much more company and you've got somebody constantly asking, answering the phone or getting back to queries, then you can say you're taking this load off maybe one of us and into somebody part-time managing your social media channels. Or you know, just have the people doing your customer service on phones already or in the admin office, wherever it might be, allocate that time to social media channels. Obviously, you have to make sure that they're well-trained and good at written communication, can think on their feet and are quite astute so they know when the query is worthwhile, I'd say worth responding to. You know, it might just be somebody leaving a piece of comment like we mentioned earlier. They want to recognize the difference between that, a complaint, feedback, or something that might actually turn into a social media crisis. So yeah, I think, what else?

Georgia: How you can measure. I mean . . .

Fiona: Brand awareness as well. So if you're . . . this one's really intangible, but I think it's safe to say if you're doing well on social media and if you're pushing out really good content and also using it as a customer service channel which more and more people expect now, I don't think you can ignore it. If you're on social media, you have to pay attention to customers there.

Georgia: If you're a company and you've got a Twitter account, you've got a Facebook account, you can't decide whether I'm going to use this for customer service or not. It's decided for you; it's there. Twitter is now the new customer service destination whether you like it or not. So if you've got a Twitter page, you've got to make sure you look after it and you've got to put some time and effort into it.

But the thing is with Twitter and Facebook and social in general, it is in the public domain and people can see when you've reacted well and people can see when you've reacted badly. If someone is just on the phone to someone in your company and they have an issue, no one's going to know about that. No one's going to know that your customer service in your call center is bad. If you've got it up on Facebook, the world can see it. On Twitter as well. It's not a secret anymore. You've got to put so much effort into that, and the fact that it is public, it's so much more viral.

You know, if Fiona was down in London and I'd never met her and she had a really good experience with a brand, I could then see that on the Facebook wall in a way that would never have happened five or ten years ago. I would've never known about your good experience. And it's so viral, and that means that people that have an affinity with your brand, people start coming back and people have conversations about your brand. So you need to make sure it's so worth investment in time and training people.

Fiona: Yeah, especially if you're . . . you know, obviously take a look at what the competitors are doing on social media as well, because if there's any gaps that you can spot that they're not doing, you can capitalize on it.

Georgia: At the end of the day, anything your competitors have got, you've got to have it.

Fiona: Yeah. And I think, yeah, I think it's safe to say that not loads of companies understand the benefits of offering social media customer service yet although obviously it's becoming more and more of a talked about topic. So yeah, you can step in early and snag some customers and maybe be ignored by the brands.

Georgia: Okay, so we've got Steven Creek on Google+. He says 'Is it no longer possible to promote a Facebook page post/update targeted by country and location? I'm keen to spend a few quid on this if it's possible.' Yeah, posts . . .

Fiona: If you can promote them on page, post or update . . . oh, you can. Yeah, you can, yeah. You can target it towards really niche demographics.

Georgia: Yeah, you can use sponsored stories, Facebook sponsored stories. I think that the minimum you can spend is about a tenner, and you can see exactly not only geographical but massively into any other area of demographic that you see. You can use it as often as you want, or you can have it so pinpoint that it'd be about ten people because you've got it so niche. If you look into Facebook advertising or if you need any other help you can get in touch and we can go through it. Facebook has made it so it's a really easy process. It's not that expensive in comparison to other promoters, social media . . . like Twitter, that's really expensive. Facebook doesn't cost that much relatively in comparison. So I think that it is quite a good investment, and the fact that you are able to massively target an audience is worthwhile. So the same person has come back and said 'Also, can personal Facebook profiles be converted into a page? With news, friends and subscribers?' Fiona's just had a massive experience with this recently, and yes. Do you want me to . . .

Fiona: Well, it was a page that I had. I'm sorry, a post page. So yes, you can convert post pages. But I'm not sure about personal . . . you can't convert personal profiles into Facebook pages. You have to have, obviously, you've got your personal Facebook profile and then you can make a page based on that and you can manage that page.

Georgia: And you can invite all your friends to it, so if I had . . . I've got some Facebook pages and I can invite my friends to it, but I can't convert them into customers of a brand. I can't convert my personal friends into customers. All you can do is invite them.

Georgia: I think we're about out of time anyway, but we really appreciate all the questions that we've had. They've been really insightful questions.

Fiona: We'll write a blog post. We'll talk about everything we've mentioned today, and also if anyone has been a bit shy and they'd like to ask any questions after we go offline, just leave them as comments on the bottom of the blog post or email brunch@branded3.com.

Georgia: Or you can get in touch with us on our Facebook, our Twitter or Google+.

Fiona: All right, thanks everyone.

BY Felicity Crouch AT 11:10am ON Tuesday, 5 March 2013

With a journalism degree and plenty of experience as an online writer; Felicity is our Marketing Manager. Raising our profile in the industry and making sure our achievements are heard, Felicity manages our marketing output and internal events. Follow Felicity on Twitter.

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