Now, the fact that all the 'Vision of Pureness' themes are commercial, typically £1 or £1.50 in the UK might attract comment, but as the theme developer, AttisX, says on his blog (sic, his native language isn't English):
Let me remind you, that the developing of high quality Series60 Themes takes a lot of time and energy. There are hundred's of cusomizeable elements, that should be edited one-by-one. Professional themes also shoud be created in separeted versions, due to the different dimensions, and components of different S60 platform GUI's. It all can take more than 4-5 weeks, even if I work on it 5-6 hours a day. It is almost like any other avarage jobs. So I think, I keep a claim rightfully of some material benefits. This is the reason why I started to sell my full customized works. I'am confident, that you can accept this, and that you will support me to countinue my art. Anyway, I hope you will find here what you need, independent of it is a free, or even a commercial theme.
Which is absolutely fair enough, and the Vision of Pureness themes have clearly had some care and attention paid to them. Of the 'Vision of Pureness' concept itself, AttisX says:
Well, the whole concept of "Vision of Pureness" is based upon the good old "Nokia Black" theme with the iconic Grass landscape wallpaper of Symbian^3/N8. As you can see, the wallpaper of VoP v1 has a similar motive, just in a darker, stylized abstract form. Also there are some other little referring details like the blue toolbar on the bottom, or the different green highlights.
The other versions are built on the same concept by playing around with different color harmonies like orange-red (v2), or emerald-carmine (v3). By the way, some other versiosn are planned, like blue-gold, green-yellow.
Oh and yes, and Pro vs. DFLT. Though I offer perhaps one of the largest icon packs in the scene, with more than 1500 custom icons including support for almost 1300 3rd party AppUID's, I've realized that there are lots of people who don't like custom icons, they rather want tiny, fast lightweight themes with basic icons.
Here's the main Vision of Pureness (v1) theme, installed on a Symbian^3/Anna/Belle generation Nokia E7:
Some nice improvements on the default icons there - and I'm not normally someone who goes for custom icons...
Control icons and keys are outlined in chrome - probably a 'love it or hate it' motif in the theme...
(Left) showing some of the other icons - I see Real Golf wasn't an application which AttisX got round to, but no matter...; (right) showing the 'default icon' version of the same Vision of Pureness theme
At the Nokia Store, you can buy the Vision of Pureness version above here, or there are emerald-carmine and orange/red versions available too. The versions of the theme with default icons are here (green and blue) and here (emerald/carmine), at a slightly reduced price.
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