sábado, 18 de enero de 2014

Jaeger sees basket size grow by 300% using interactive hotspots

Posted 06 March 2012 11:50am by Vikki Chowney with 3 comments

Jaeger has released stats relating to its use of interactive hotspot technology within footage of its Spring/Summer 2010 collection.

A linkto player allowed visitors to the retailer's website to 'shop the catwalk' by encoding three full-length catwalk videos from London Fashion Week. In this case, products were highlighted by a subtle, greyed-out box and tracked as the model moved down the runway, each of which is then clickable to purchase.

The videos saw an average engagement rate (viewers clicking on at least one hotspot) of 27% across all videos, a click through rate of 13%, and an increase in basket size onsite of over 300% from people who purchase via the video.

?Russell Goldsmith, digital and social media director at at markettiers4dc said that the hotspot forces an action, which could simply be a direct link to another website, to display additional information within the video player, or pause the video to reveal an interactive page that can be used to do a number of things.  

The action could be to add products to a shopping basket, include a data collection form, or print off a coupon to redeem instore."

He added that placement is key, since initially the videos were initially hidden deep within Jaeger's site, but that the retailer was encouraged to flag them on the home page - and by tracking via unique ID codes.

?This technology isn't new per se, but linkto's offering provides an overlay for any embedded YouTube video -  meaning it can add interactivity to YouTube videos embedded on a retailer's site, in Facebook, blogs, but also on a custom channel within YouTube itself.

Nice N' Easy's channel is geo-targeted according to IP, so clicking the product shot in the video shows you different links to online retailers if you're from the US or the UK.   ?

Markettiers4dc is also about to launch a pilot with Commission Junction, to integrate linkto into the Argos Affiliate Programme.  

This will mean that anyone signed up to that programme can, as well as grabbing banners, buttons and inlinks for their site, take the embed code of any interactive video that Argos have produced, add it to their site, and if a viewer clicks on a hotspot and goes through to purchase, it will track their affiliate ID and they will still earn their commission.

We expect this to be a great growth area as we've proved that click through is so much higher from video than through standard ads."

You can read more on using online video within our best practice guide, which is aimed at marketers and content owners who are using video as a tool for marketing and sales.

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