sábado, 14 de abril de 2012

Confused.com tries out a Pinterest-based competition

Posted 12 April 2012 11:29am by David Moth with 1 comment

Confused.com has launched a Pinterest competition that aims to highlight the dangers of driving in heels.

The 'Driving in Heels' campaign asks women to pin a picture of their "most extravagant heels" to a specially-created pinboard by Confused.com.

A supporting video outlines the associated dangers of wearing inappropriate footwear - and the ten women judged to have pinned the most outreagous will win a pair of Butterfly Twist flat pumps.

Using a competition to grow followers on Twitter and Facebook is now commonplace, and we've started to see more brands doing this on Pinterest - last month Peugeot launched a competition that asked people to complete puzzles by repinning images of its cars.

Confused.com head of content Sharon Flaherty said the brand chose to run a Pinterest competition as it wanted to be one of the early adopters of the emerging social network.

We feel really strongly about producing great content and over the last two years have built a talented in-house editorial team. Seeding our content socially is just one part of our content strategy. Testing, learning and playing in new social media platforms is another."

So far the success of the competition appears to be limited, as although it only went live a few days ago there are currently just three entries and the board has only 53 followers.

Flaherty said that while it is too early to see how valuable Pinterest will be to Confused.com, it appears to fit well with the company's content objectives.

She added that one of the key challenges is trying to produce content that isn't "salesy", as users won't want to interact with it.

What I like about Pinterest is it allows the brand to be human and this is the key to branded content, in my opinion."

Flaherty said she doesn't currently have a 12 month strategy for Pinterest, but will instead be "guided by engagement" and which content works best within each social network.

Brands have the option to play in so many social platforms, but for different campaigns there will be some platforms which will work better than others. This is our first Pinterest competition, so we'll be monitoring it closely to see if it's effective for Confused.com and formulate a longer-term view from there."

The 'Driving in Heels' contest shows that its marketing team recognise that a vast majority of Pinterest's users are female, but unlike a fashion or car brand it doesn't have new products or designs that it can share.

Sadly the mechanic used here doesn't appear to working, since the make-up of Pinterest means any viral effect happens quickly. Perhaps the incentive isn't quite impressive enough to stoke the flames (Jimmy Choo trainers might have done it?), but the experimental approach Flaherty seems to be taking means that this can't be viewed as a failure.

In a previous post we highlighted 11 ways to use Pinterest as a brand, which includes using it to share visual content and to strengthen the idea that your brand reflects a lifestyle. 

It's difficult for a price comparison site to do this, and Confused.com should be applauded for trying something new. Based on this however, it seems that Pinterest might not be the best place to invest valuable time and resource. 

David Moth is a Reporter at Econsultancy. You can follow him on Twitter

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