martes, 3 de abril de 2012

Econsultancy reports roundup: March 2012

Posted 02 April 2012 16:33pm by Matt Owen with 0 comments month, Econsultancy publishes a range of reports covering best practice, market data, template files, trends and innovation and more. In short; loads of useful stuff. 

Econsultancy members (Silver and above) have access to all our reports free of charge, but as our research team is currently firing on all cylinders, I thought it would be useful for new members (and existing ones) to have a quick roundup of everything we've published in the past month. 

This month we published seven new reports and updates, including the Internet Statistics Compendium, The Econsultancy/Adestra Email Marketing Census, our new SEO Agencies Buyer's Guide, a B2B trends briefing, a display advertising best practice guide and more. 

Hit the jump to discover what's new:

1: Internet Statistics Compendium.

First out of the gate, the mammoth Internet Statistics Compendium received its latest update. The ISC is the biggest, most relevant collection of stats, data, facts, charts and figures available. The latest global and country-specific versions contain thousands of stats and figures. 

If you want to make a great business case, supercharge a presentation, or if you just need to know what percentage of US businesses have generated leads from Facebook,  this is the report for you.

2:  The Econsultancy/Adestra Email Marketing Census: also saw the release of the latest Econsultancy/Adestra  Email Marketing Census.

We surveyed over 800 UK marketers, to assess their approach to email and use of providers, volume of email, budgeting, effectiveness, best practice, deliverability and more.

Among a a plethora of email info, the survey found that: 

  • Only 40% of responding companies use an ESP for more than the basic broadcast of email.
  • Companies using their ESP for additional functionality report higher ROI.
  • Less than a third of companies regularly test their email marketing campaigns.
  • Over a third of companies have no strategy in place for email on mobile devices.

Find out everything you need to know by reading our previous post on the findings, or download the report here. 

3: SEO Agencies Buyer's Guide 2012 increasing investment (and competition) in search marketing across the board, you need to know that your SEO provider is giving you maximum bang for your buck.

The SEO Agency Buyer's Guide profiles 36 UK agencies in detail, and contains info on trends in the market, a SWOT analysis, advice on comparing agencies and identifying specific needs, and extensive insights from the SEO industry's leading lights.

Market trends covered include:  

  • Social signals become more important in organic search.
  • The growth of mobile poses new challenges.
  • The boundaries of SEO as a digital discipline blur.

And much more. If you're looking to outsource SEO activity, or review your existing agency relationship, the SEO Buyer's guide will make sure you have all the information you need. 

4: B2B Digital Trends Briefing

Earlier this month we held our Digital Cream roundtable event in London. Alongside our regular look at the B2C market, this year we also ran a number of B2B-specific tables.

We've highlighted the topics B2B client-side marketers covered on the day, including lead scoring and nurturing; social media optimization and measurement; customer experience and conversion; customer relationship management (CRM); mobile marketing and many more. 

The trends briefing includes commentary from senior marketers, a round-up of market trends, suggested further reading and extensive coverage of the unique challenges faced by the B2B businesses on digital platforms. 

For more information, check out Andrew Warren-Payne's post here, or download the entire report here

5: Digital Tribes I: Naming 

Allison Aldridge-Saur was one of the winners of our US office's 'Digital Vision' program, providing grants to encourage research and development of new and unique ideas and resources for digital marketers.

Alison's Digital Tribes Report takes an in-depth look at the concept of 'Digital Tribes', offering a brief history, and exploring some tribal digital communities of the present before exploring the topic of how names are vital to the identity of online communities. This report examines the construction of private languages, jargon, symbols, and naming practices for communities, individuals and events.

The report is a hugely valuable resource for marketers looking to identify and engage withrelevant online audiences successfully. 

6: The Social Shift in Internal Communications latest in our series of Smart Packs, The Social Shift in Internal Communication is a the best way for you to get up to speed quickly on the effect changing communication paths have had on individuals, and companies as a whole. Marketers need to know where people are, how they're feeling, and what they are thinking in order to target them. The 'social media explained' meme crystallizes our anxieties about a world we do not feel mastery over. What social channels are worth the investment? What's a company to do? What are 'companies' even becoming? 

This paper addresses new ways that organizations are leveraging social media for their internal communications and production processes. It also examines 'edge cases' – organizations with ways of working that may not be typical, but are still hugely effective.

Findings from this report include a number of relevant statistics: 

  • 88% of executives report that employees are using their personal computing devices for work purposes. 
  • 60% of companies report that they are "adapting their IT infrastructure to accommodate employees' personal devices, rather than restricting employee use of personal devices."
  • 80% of business leaders agree the working environment will become 'virtual' thanks to more secure mobile technologies and cloud computing infrastructure."

In addition, the report provides advice on how your business can adapt to make the most of changing communication models, and avoid any pitfalls along the way. 

7: Best Practices in Digital Display Advertising

Finally this month, we took a look at display marketing, an incredibly complex area for marketers at all levels. The report covers disruptive emergent technology, key changes to well-known and established services, guidance on planning, and how-to advice for discovering, segmenting, buying, serving, measuring and attributing digital media ad units.

Report author Chris O'Hara explains the methodology behind the report: 

I essentially looked at the digital display ecosystem through the lens of a marketer trying to take a campaign from initial concept through to billing, and making sure I covered the keys parts of the workflow chain.

What technologies do you employ to find the right media, to buy it, and ultimately to measure it? Are all of these technologies leading to the promised land of efficiency and performance? Will they eventually? I used those questions as the basis of my approach, and leveraged the many vendor relationships and available data to try and answer some of those questions."

This guide is essential reading for anyone involved in display, enabling you to organize your efforts more efficiently and make informed decisions about the complex ecosystem you are managing. 

This is just a quick overview of the reports we've published in the past 30 days.

If you're interested in any of the areas covered here then please take a look at the more in-depth explanations available on our reports page, where you can also download samples of the hundreds of reports available to our premium members.

If you're interested in joining Econsultancy, you can check out all our membership options here .  

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