martes, 17 de abril de 2012

Working Remotely: Is It Right For You?

Sara Ferraioli is a Manager in the Human Resources Contracts division at Winter, Wyman, the largest and one of the most recognized staffing organizations in the Northeast. Find out more on the Winter, Wyman blog or follow on Twitter .

More than 34 million Americans work at home at least occasionally, according to the research firm Forrester. By 2016, that number is expected to hit 63 million, at which point virtual workers will comprise 43% of the workforce, nearly doubling today's count. Technology has made it easier than ever to work remotely — wireless Internet, instant messaging, web conferencing and collaboration software allow us to do our jobs seamlessly, regardless of location. Remote working — even occasionally — is a breath of fresh air for people who have long commutes, young children to shuffle off to school or aging parents who need attention. The word "work" is actually morphing from a place into an action.

Corporations can also see the benefits of virtual work. First, they can cut down on the cost of physical office space if employees work remotely at least some of the time. For example, if a company employs 200 people but only needs office space for 150, that can represent a significant cost savings. Another advantage for employers is that they can expand their pool of job candidates if they aren't limited by geography. For example, a person who only needs to come into the office once a week or less often may be willing to take on a longer commute in exchange for working from home on other days. If the employee doesn't ever need to come into work, he or she could be anywhere in the world. Telecommuting is considered another perk in the work-life balance. As more companies begin to offer it, remote working actually makes employers more appealing to candidates.

But there is still some uncertainty about remote working among employers and employees. Many employees want to consider it, but aren't sure if it is the right fit for them. Employers, on the other hand, realize that offering virtual work relationships can be beneficial, but don't want to give up control or security. Here are some tips for determining who will make a good candidate for remote working, as well as some guidance to ensure that the situation goes smoothly for both workers and employers.

Is it Right for You?

While telework is an attractive option for many people, it isn't for everyone. If you're an employee considering going virtual, here are some questions you may want to ask yourself to determine if you're a good candidate for remote work:

Do I have the discipline?

It can be incredibly difficult to stay on task with a work project when the sink is full of breakfast dishes and there's a pile of laundry on the floor. There are many distractions at home, and you have to be able to put them aside to focus on work. If you're the type that just can't get started on work until your house is in order (is it ever really in order?), working from home may not be for you.

Do I have the motivation?

Are you awake every morning at 5:30 ready for your run or do you need to have your personal trainer barking orders to make sure you get in your workout? People who are self-motivated do well working remotely. Others work better when a taskmaster is there to keep them focused.

Do I have the space?

Remote workers are more successful when they have a designated office space with the proper equipment setup. While it is possible to work while lounging on your bed, it isn't advisable. It is best to have a place to "go" so you can mentally leave home and go into work mode. It is also easier to stay organized if your projects aren't mixed up with your grocery list and kids' homework.

Do I have the right personality type?

Some people love the freedom of working remotely, while others find it downright lonely. If you are an extrovert who derives energy from people around you and enjoys the camaraderie of others during the work day, you may want to go into an office to work.

The Next Step

If you determine that working remotely is for you, you still need to address the logistical hurdles with your employer. Here are some questions employees and their managers should discuss before starting a remote-working arrangement:

  • What does remote work look like in this organization?
  • What are the expectations?
  • How "plugged in" do employees have to be? Are email and IM responses expected in seconds, minutes or hours? (Typically, managers would expect you to respond immediately — in about the same time it would take for them to walk to your desk.)
  • How is activity and productivity measured?
  • What mistakes have others made?
  • What are your success stories?
  • Who will pay for any necessary equipment or technology?

If employees and employers have concrete answers to these questions, they will be better able to navigate virtual work arrangements.


Statistics show that the telework trend will only continue to get more popular. Employees should first establish that they are good candidates for working remotely and then work with their managers to solidify parameters upfront and ensure a successful virtual work experience.

Social Media Job Listings

Every week we post a list of social media and web job opportunities. While we publish a huge range of job listings, we've selected some of the top social media job opportunities from the past two weeks to get you started. Happy hunting!

Image courtesy of iStockphoto, iPandastudio, Silvrshootr

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