domingo, 1 de abril de 2012

A-Z of Pinterest-ing brands

Posted 27 March 2012 15:43pm by Jake Hird with 0 comments

So, Pinterest is still the buzzword of the industry and something that looks like it might stick around a little while longer. 

It's also something that Econsultancy's explored from various different angles, but we've not actually gone into too much detail about the companies using it.

There's a handful of extremely comprehensive lists floating around the web, but I thought it might be interesting to see if a full A-Z list of brands and organisations could be compiled. 

Surprisingly, it turns out you (almost) can, which is quite something, considering for how little time the platform has been around... 

A is for... American Airlines 

B is for... Barneys 

C is for... CBS (choosing Coke would have been too obvious)  

D is for... Dunkin Donuts 

E is for... Etsy (Although I was shamelessly tempted to list Econsultancy

F is for... Fossil  

G is for... General Electric (But don't forget Gap)  

H is for... HubSpot 

I is for... Ice

J is for... JCPenney 

K is for... Kraft

L is for... Lindt (But I was delighted to find Lamborghini, too)  

M is for... Maybelline (McDonalds would have been too easy)  

N is for... Nordstrom 

O is for... Oprah (Yes, she's a celeb, but arguably a brand as well) 

P is for... Playboy 

Q is for... Quicken 

R is for... Random House (Again, the obvious choice would be Red Bull)  

S is for... Sony (...Or Starbucks... Or Sesame Street...)   

T is for... Threadless 

U is for... UNICEF 

V is for... Volkswagen 

W is for... Wall Street Journal 

X is for... Xbox (Okay, I cheated on this. It's not an official Xbox property. But close enough).  

Y is for... Yale 

Z is for... Zales 

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