Wednesday marks the 37th anniversary of the film Jaws, a cult classic that continues to instill fear in beach dwellers today, thanks to that terrifying giant shark.
The 1975 film was monumental in the history of thrillers and summer blockbusters. From the shark itself to the theme song, which is still used to signify impending doom, most of us grew up afraid of deep waters — even if it was just our neighbor's pool.
Jaws was also one of the first productions to distribute a wide national release with heavy television advertising. Before that, a film entered new markets very slowly and built support from an audience over time.
In celebration of the film, we've gathered some of the funny ways that sharks have been incorporated into web culture. Whether its photoshopped images, GIFs or Tumblrs, sharks might be swimming more prominently on the web than in real life. (That's what we're going to tell ourselves anyway.)
Here are 15 hilarious examples of shark enthusiasm on the web.
Tumblr site BrainVacancy posted this elaborate image of a raptor riding a shark.

It's hard to track down the original photo, but the "Excuse Me, I Was Looking at the Water" meme most likely sparked after a Reddit user captioned it in this thread.

Tumblr has indicated that this shark-loving blog is what started the "Fuck Yeah" trend.
What we do know is that if you're a fan of sharks, this is probably the number one Tumblr site for you.

Blogger Brian McDaniel altered this shark photo in Apple Paintbrush, adding an inspirational "YOLO" and photoshopping himself falling into the shark's mouth.
"I'm very proud of it," says McDaniel.

Reddit user bloodrobots noticed this photoshopped masterpiece of various sharks with human teeth.

There is a brilliantly unexpected twist to this GIF at the end.

This mashup Tumblr incorporates sharks into scenes from TV series Parks and Recreation, and it's pretty hilarious.

This photoshopped image of a father casually throwing his son into a shark's mouth was created by Tumblr user evanwhoareyou.

Did you know that there is a shark subreddit?
User FrilledShark submitted this image, which is pretty amazing.

It's simultaneously amazing and terrifying that this shark can leap out of the ocean that high.

This is just one of many sad captions on the poor "Misunderstood Shark" meme.

Don't let this shark fool you, he probably doesn't want to read your blog.

As you can see, this particular image of a shark has received multiple photoshop treatments.

Another more obviously photoshopped image came from the Website Shopped or Not.

Image courtesy of Universal Pictures
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