sábado, 21 de julio de 2012

Ellison and Catmull: You Can’t Copy Steve Jobs

Walt Mossberg, Ed Catmull and Larry Ellison

What made Steve Jobs unique? Seven months after the Apple CEO and founder passed away, two of his closest friends sat down with All Things D's Walt Mossberg, who also knew Jobs for years, to affectionately reminisce and, in a way, define Jobs for future generations.

Pixar and Walt Disney Animation President Dr. Ed Catmull and Oracle CEO Larry Ellison agreed that Jobs was unique and not someone easily copied. Catmull said that to copy Steve would be "parody". Ellison, though, did note that there were key characteristics that defined Jobs, including obsession, compulsion and genius.

Below are memories and memorable quotes about Steve Jobs from two men who, perhaps, new him best.

Ellison recounted how he met Steve Jobs. They were neighbors and the young Apple CEO had a pet peacock, which was actually a gift from his girlfriend. The bird wandered around the neighborhood and made it to Ellison's house, making enough noise to wake him up. Ellison walked to Jobs' house and complained. It soon became clear, however, that Jobs hated the bird as much as Ellison. The ever-persuasive Jobs soon had Ellison agreeing that he would back him up when Jobs told his girlfriend that their neighbor hated the bird.

Despite Jobs attention to detail in every part of Apple, Catmull said he was not present in Pixar story meetings. Apparently this was part of an agreement. Catmull added, however, that Jobs fully supported the Pixar team in what they were doing.

This much was clear as Ellison recalled how often Jobs would make him watch Toy Story 2 in his house while Pixar was still working on the film.

Ellison echoed Apple CEO Tim Cook's statements from a day earlier about Job's ability to change his mind. Ellison occasionally lapsed into present tense when talking about the late Jobs: "He could be persuaded in meetings. When he's persuaded, he changed like that. He's very good at listening if he thinks you're full of it, he'll tell you."

SEE ALSO: Now on iTunes: Free Steve Jobs Interviews

Catmull agreed: "He didn't respect somebody if they didn't have a point of view and push it hard."

Ellison: "Jobs was not an insecure person. He knew he was a very smart guy"

Both Ellison and Catmull agreed that Jobs grew up and learned to be "less brutal."

Ellison also believes that many young entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley have far greater control over their boards because of what happened to Steve Jobs in the 80?s when his own board fired him and supported then-CEO John Scully. "Apple dismissing Steve Jobs in favor of a guy whose only track record is flavored water," said Ellison

When it came to what lessons a would-be Steve Jobs could take from the former Apple CEO's life, Catmull and Ellison agreed that it wasn't about being Steve Jobs, it was how they approached their own problems and decisions.

Catmull: "To copy is only parody in a way that wouldn't work: He was truly unique."

Ellison suggested they ask themselves some basic questions. Do they get obsessed about an unresolved problem at work? "If you want to know if you're like Steve Jobs, it's very simple. You obsesses about a single problem until you solve it."

Ellison also marveled at how, while not an engineer, Jobs could "understand the complete system, the gestalt, how to put the whole thing together. He would assemble these pieces into the iPod."

Ellison: "If you have that kind of obsession combined with Picasso aesthetic and Edison's inventiveness, then you are the next Steve jobs"

Ellison: "He wasn't trying to be rich. He wasn't trying to be famous. He wasn't trying to be powerful. He was obsessed with the creative process and making great products."

Apples entry into the retail store market prompted some rich memories.

Catmull said he didn't react negatively to the idea. "Steve wouldn't pursue something like that unless he was fully committed to make it exceptional"

Ellison though recalled being dragged repeatedly to the warehouse where Apple had built a mockup of an Apple store. At times he wanted to jump out of Jobs' car. Ellison was not sold on the idea back then.

"Steve must really be stupid," recalled Ellison. "Aren't you reading the newspapers?" he asked Jobs. "Brick and mortar is dead." Jobs answered, "We're not using brick and mortar, we're using glass and steel."

What are some of your favorite memories from Steve Job's remarkable life? Share them in the comments.

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