sábado, 1 de septiembre de 2012

Mercedes Benz steps up their tech game with new app

Posted 31 August 2012 18:05pm by Heather Taylor with 3 comments

This week it's all about cars, clothes and food on our weekly showcase of The Dachis Group's Social Business Index.

Our focus is on three global brands as analyzed by the Dachis Group team. 

We've also taken a glimpse at the top twenty brands on the Social Business Index, a real-time ranking of more than 30,000 global brands based on their performance in the social space, to see how the biggest brands in social are faring.

Old Navy
Stephanie Fuller

Old Navy broke away from the pack (exactly 23 spots) to land at No. 112 on the Social Business Index ranking this week due to some successful experimentation with Facebook Offers. 

Offers, a tactic for bridging the digital divide between social brand engagement and in-store spending, made waves when more than 4,500 individuals shared the 25% off offer with their friends resulting in over 209,000 claimed offers. 

Though it is yet to be seen how many of these 25% off offers will be claimed, the social impact is clear: money-saving incentives that exist in social carry value among Old Navy's customer base. The new fans that claimed the offer will now see Old Navy's updates in their newsfeed, and the legacy fans ultimately may increase their page engagement due to content they're interested in, such as sales.

Kellogg Company
Allison Squires

Last week, Kellogg Company popped up 13 spots on the Social Business Index due to one particularly delicious Facebook page - Pop-Tarts. This playful and colorful page appeals to its younger audience through images, polls and frequent content around music. 

Last month, the "Crazy Good Summer Concert" in Chicago, Illinois had Pop-Tart fans going crazy. This month content from the event is appearing in key social channels across the Pop-Tart ecosystem. The high quality, audio, video, and images are re-igniting people around the event and the brand. This is a classic case of using a hugely popular offline activation as a content driver for weeks (if not months) of quality engagement. 

Backstage pictures of band members, and videos in particular are triggering expressions of love for particular musicians through comments on the page. Pop-Tarts is successfully engaging their young audience in fun ways that encourage their audience to participate. 

Daimler AG
Stephanie Fuller

Mercedes Benz stepped up their tech game this week, rolling out a new smartphone app that highlights their new A-class line of vehicles. The "guide" application, along with Mercedes' new interest in pushing Instagram photos to their communities, has created a spike in conversation on the car brand's Facebook page. 

The posts resonate beyond Mercedes own ecosystem in the form of second-level impressions courtesy of share-happy fans. These 'second-level impressions' are key to winning in social because they reach an audience beyond just Mercedes direct followers -- this is a form of advocacy that turns a fan into a brand's content evangelist. Luckily for Mercedes, photos of beautiful cars will always be a big draw in social and Instagram's platform combined with Facebook's audience. 

The focus paid off for Diamler, the parent organization to Mercedes Benz, hopping 6 spots this week to No. 79 on the SBI ranking.

Editors note: The Social Business Index, a free ranking compiled by The Dachis Group, is based on the analysis of conversations on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and other social platforms. The index is based on the execution and effectiveness of businesses at driving outcomes such as brand awareness, content sharing, and advocacy.

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